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Chapter 8:

"why am i suppose to go there alone, why dont you tag along ?, since that is what you have done the entire day" demanded Maya.

"because my job was to get you here safe and sound,seeing that i have fullfilled it without any complication…” I cocked my eyebrow, he ignored me and continued  “ its time for me to leave and report to my Real job which is much productive and interesting than babysitting an 18 year old !" said Danial through gritted teeth.

"Don't yell at me like it was my idea to have you tethered to me, i'm not the one who sent the crazy phycho guys to come at me guns blazing and shooting fire through their nose" huffed Maya crossing her arms and glancing at the long corridor that led to Zirak's office.

"Exaggerate much" muttered Danial which earned him a glare from Maya.

Presently we both where standing near the second level reception , I was in awe when I entered the three story headquarter of UDAAN, must say it was a bright and airy building considering the job done here, the ground floor consisted of a huge hall with a victorian staircase in middle there were two or three corridors on this level which led to god knows where, the first level consisted of about a hundred cubicles where people where rushing about, it looked like a fish market and finally after a lot of grumbling from danial I was brought to the second level and asked to go sit in Zirak’s office where the so called top members of Udaan are going to assemble in few minutes. I refused ;reason-simple, I was scared shitless. I wish mom could be here, she was given a last minute notice to attend a relief camp in vishakapatnam where a flood had rendered many homeless, so she was gone for two weeks, I didn’t even get to say a proper goodbye. This day sucks.

Danial’s sigh brought me out of my thoughts. He bent down to my level, took hold of my shoulders looked into my eyes and said in a calm voice “I know you are nervous, your life has taken a complete 180 degree turn, you are in a world full of strangers  and all that stuff but I know you can do it, you know why I say that?” He asked with an arch of an eyebrow. I shook my head “because I met your dad, he was a strong and determined man, good person in and out and.. what I see now; in front of me is a spilliting image of the same person who was a icon for many” he said with respect and reverence clear in his eyes.

I was slightly confused about what he said but nevertheless it brought a smile on my face and my heart returned to its rhythm. “my my that was really…touchy” I said with a smirk to lighten the mood.Danial blinked and stood to his height fidgeting, clearly he wasn’t one for long talks.

“Alright..”he said clapping his hand “now that’s done with, you go your way and Ill be on my way” he said pushing me towards the corridor.

It was a spacious office with carpeted floor, huge mahagony desk with three leather chairs in front, to the right were leather couches with a cofee table in middle, I gasped when I looked to the left the entire wall had an aquarium againt it with bright colured fishes in them.the back wall had two more doors one was another entrance into the office and the other looked like the washroom.

    I sighed and sank into the chair and waited for what felt like hours but it was only 10 minutes, after few more minutes curiosity got the best of me and I peeked out the other entrance, there was a carpeted corridor which was deserted but to the far end was a vending machine “jackpot” i muttered while grinning and bounsing towards it but angry voices from a nearby cabin made me halt…

“with all due respect sir, you are going to regret your decision” said an exaperated voice, it belonged to Zirak.

“Zirak!” barked another voice, I know what to do and I have taken this decision after carefully looking at every possible route we could take, trust me this is the right thing to do.”

“If Maya is anything like her Father than I can gaurantee you, it’s the worst decision you have ever taken” snapped Zirak. This caught my attention, I moved closer to the cabin’s door.

“its not up for discussion, our decision is final, Maya Atef is to be shipped off to italy with an alias name and identity, this package consists of all her fake certificates and passport,its for her own safety”

There was a tense silence for a minute while I stood there frozen unable to move.

“is that clear Agent Kalil ?“ barked the unknown person

“Yes Boss!” said Danial’s brother seethingly.

But the last words from the Boss brought me out of my frozen stupor.

“She leaves tonight at 10”

I ran out of the building like my life depended on it. The panic I felt was soon overtaken by outrage. I saw red how dare they take my life in their own hands. They talked about me like I was some piece of art, “shipped foot!” Why am I in this mess, I had to get away from these people, there is only one person I could think about right now, and I hoped with all my heart that this doesn’t put him in danger.

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