go maya

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 "What are you talking about mom? you can’t be serious"

 "it is true Maya...i know it’s too much to take in one sitting but ...it’s the truth"

      I was frozen to my place and had a blank expression on, there were so many thing running in my head that i thought it would explode and that a red light will flash saying "Danger! Data Overload, Data Overload" in a robotic voice. I wished i would have gone to ria's house rather than coming home...but whom am i kidding either way i had to face this sooner or later.

     Currently i was sitting on a seat attached to the window looking out at the small park where old couples were having late evening walks...few teenagers were sat on the grass chatting about their day or upcoming parties few people were walking their dogs and a group of kids were trying their best to play cricket without hitting the ball in passerby's direction, a couple of teenagers were perched on the high walls of the park entrance and this all seemed surreal, the conversation we had after coming home kept playing in my head.I felt soffocated and decided to go for a walk with the conversation still playing in my head.

Few hours before

"You both know each other?" asked my mom surprised when she saw danial smiling at me and me glaring at him.

"No!" i shrieked at the same time danial said "yes"

Mom gave us a confused look. Before danial could open his mouth i said in a hurried tone "he kind of mistook me to be someone else and seems like he is still in that state of mind" i said frowning.

danial smile vanished and he started to speak again "But..." i ignored him and continued "Now that I have made myself clear again he can leave" i said grabbing his wrist to make him stand and giving him a slight shove in the direction of the front door.

Mom had an aghast expression looking at my behavior towards a guest, whatever i didn't want my mom getting into all this stuff seeing the stuff involved guns and Chinese gangs. i shuddered at the image of yesterday's chase.

"Maya Atif stop right there” mom’s demanding voice spoke from behind. I groaned and turned around "i know who danial is" those few words shook my world. All different kind of thoughts ran through my head. What false information did danial give mom? Is mom involved in this all? Is mom an underground mafia or such?  i mentally shook my head and laughed at myself for thinking about the last option. News flash I’m going crazy.my inner voice replied it’s not news. I scowled at myself.my mother’s voice broke me from the battle i had going with my alter ego abt being crazy or not "sweetheart you need to understand a few thing, they are things which you are not aware of which might break your heart..." i stopped her and blurted the first thing that came to my mind "are you in underground mafia!?"

"WHAT!?" My mom cried with a wtf! face

danial quickly intervened by giving a nervous laugh and said "maya you watch a lot of movies, why don’t we sit down we have a lot to discuss" and held his hand toward the couch gesturing my mom to sit down while giving me a glare and subtly shaking his head.

What was i supposed to understand from that! I sat down with a huff.

my mom had a faraway look in her eyes.

'How do you know him mom?” i asked quietly

his father is your grandfathers friend" she replied with sadness in her eyes.

"nana jaan?"I asked frowning.

Danials pov:

I drove away from the Atif’s residence with a heavy heart. I was not aware that Maya had no idea about what happened to her dad or granddad…when Mrs. Atif recalled all the events it was like living a nightmare while Maya sat on the couch hugging her knees to her chest as tears flowed from her eyes.

I was seven when I met Peltzo Kaif, Maya’s grandfather; it was during that same month that I met Maya’s mom and dad. In fact it was during this time that I met almost all of my Father’s friends and co-workers one being Peltzo-he was born in India but raised in Italy because his mom was Italian or something like that.

My Father use to work for a private organization ‘AMBER’ funded by the government. He died during a mission five years back. Since then Zirak has being a father as well as a brother to me, now me and my brother work for that organization. Zirak told me about it a few years back since that I do my summer internship here and hope to become a full-fletched agent someday.

I was wondering where was Maya when this get-together took place maybe. If she was present then she would have known who I was. Actually when we look at it this way why wasn’t she aware of this organization or better yet part of it since both her father and grandfather where members of it. I was pulled away from my thoughts when the song ‘hud hud dabaang dabanng’ started blaring, it was a ringtone I kept for my brother, it wasn’t fun but it got on his nerves so that was enough I smirked and picked up my phone and cast a look at the clock on the dashboard... mannh i've being in lala land for 15 minutes straight its a wonder i didn't get into an accident.

 “Where the hell are you!?” came my brothers angry voice.

 Oh shit what did I do now “on my way to the Den” I replied meekly. Ok even my boss would behave like a kitten if he was in my place. My brother had a killer anger.

“Turn around and go back to the City Mall as fast as possible, I’m sending other units there, they will be there in 10 min. hurry!”

City mall… that was the mall close to Maya’s house.

“Are you listening Danial!?”

“yes, sir” I replied while reversing my car and pressing down on the accelerator my car making a screeching sound while I sped off.

“Do I get to know what’s wrong” I asked my brother blankly while I heard papers shuffling on the other end of the phone.

“Maya was attacked. We saw a fight take place near the mall through the CCTV cameras, Maya was there”

“What!” I cried while panic crept into me.it was my job to bring her safe back and I failed…



ok guys here it is. hope you enjoy.it was so funny i kept forgetting names of the characters since i'm writting after such a long time...i had no idea what ringtone to give, i was literally blank so i went for dabanng...:p Feel free to point my mistakes out coz i know i made many...and ask away about anything you don't understand whether its regarding the story or the Indian words

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