Chapter 10

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so here is the next Chap, love to know what you guys are thinking, do comment, any confusion ask away it will help me sort my story too =) 

Danial is not my main male lead, i just use him to give you guys someone else's pov besides Maya. Please ignore my mistakes and grammatical errors, i know they are many.

Njoy! <3

Maya's POV

    My mouth opened and closed like a fish, i was unable to form words while standing in the middle of the living room deciding whether to glare or give a pitying look to Daha, was he that stupid to call the very persons i was running from!?

    The minute or two of complete silence from eveyone was broken by a throat clearing by Danial who was now inside standing guard near the window. "What the...Daha! these are the people i'm running from, Why would you call them?" i asked exaperated, "or did you geniously call the Police, because they.." i said pointing with my thumb to a very red in face person who i assume is the Boss "..have their claws in every government organisation,tapping Police would be a piece of cake for them" i hissed while giving a disgusted look to the Boss.

    Daha didn't even glance at me, he glared at the Boss and said venoumously "while these are the people you should be running to NOT running from Maya" what!? panic rose insid me at his words, surely he's not going to retun me to them? right? i thought desperately but before i could give a reply Zirak who was standing silently in the shadows came forward and greeted Daha respectfully and to my horror Daha replied like Zirak was his long lost friend.

    "Hello Sir, i would have said its always a pleasure to meet you but the circumstance says otherwise" Zirak said coming forward and extending his Hand. "Zirak my boy!" Daha said taking Zirak's hand and pulling him in for a hug, "i would have said its always a pleasure to meet Gibraan's son if not for the circumstance" though they talked about the me-getting-a-shock-and-having-a-heart-attack circumstance solemnly..they both kinda look excited. 

    I was staring at everyone wide and panicky eyes and was thinking of ways to bolt out of this WTF- moment. At this Daha pointed out "i would have a chat with you later my boy but lets talk to out little Maya here whoes heart beat i'm sure everyone can here in this room" he said giving me an imploring look "i don't undestand.." i stuttered running my hand through my hair.

    "Maya do you trust me?" Daha asked while giving me an intense look, i would have laughed because Daha was never this serious but his looks brought tears to my eyes which i blinked away rapidly and muttered a 'yes', how can i not trust him, he was the only person after mom that i trusted with my life. He came to me and engulfed me in a bear hug which i was desperately in need of, i was sure any second my heart was going to just jump and skittle across the living room floor.

    "well well now that the drama is over, we can get back to the important things, Ziraak get her ready the flight leaves in 4 hours" was Boss guy's command. I panicked, Ziraak frowned, Danial smirked at Boss's bluntness and Daha smiled indulgently and said "You were always the emotionless one Rafik, good to see it has not changed" 

    wow he had a name, after a minute of Boss aka Rafik glaring and Daha smiling at each other, Daha clapped his hand which made me as well as others jump violently and said "i'm not briefed on the whole situation but i do know Maya's side of story and whatever has happened sending her to italy cannot be the only solution". Yes! go Daha!

    "you have no idea about the situation, her going to Italy is the best solution and who said you have a say in this" Rafik said through gritted teeth.At this Daha towered over Rafik and said in a calm voice "i have the first say in this, i'm her legal guardian and you should know better than to force an Atef into something they don't want". this snapped Rafik out of his tense look.

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