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"What? Okay, just hold on, were on our way!" I hung up the phone and rushed to wake Ray up. "What? He asked. "Getcho' ass up nigga, Jordan in labor" I smartly remarked. "Ugh, damn" he sighed and got out of the hotel bed. "And don't take long either" I rushed him.

"Damn what the hell you looking at me for?" I sarcastically asked Ray. He chuckled and walked up to me chocked me. I looked at him with lust and bit my lip, pretty sure this would cause a waterfall. "Don't get fucked on this elevator" he warned. "Mhmm" still stuck in my trance, I didn't even realize that the elevator had stopped at the 3rd floor, I left the elevator careful not to get the balloons stuck in the door. I opened my phone and clicked on Princeton's name to see that he text me that she was already having the baby, so we just went to the waiting room.

"Awe, he's so handsome sis, what's his name" Niyah asked Jordan admiring the baby boy. "Jaden Ace Perez" she announced. "He's going to be a little heart breaker" Niyah said laying his baby hairs down. "Yep, just like his daddy" Prince bragged. Everyone n the room busted out laughing. "Kay, you wanna hold him?" Jordan asked knocking me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked stretching my neck. "Nah, I um, gotta run to the bathroom real quick" I quickly ran to the bathroom.

😂 Ray 😂
"Ray, Wassup with ya girl?" Prod asked. I couldn't do nothing but laugh. I know EXACTLY what I did. "Ray what yo' ass did to my sister?" Roc noisy ass asked. "Y'all heard her say she had to use the bathroom. I ain't do nothing to her" I defend. "Mhmm" Jordan hummed. After 25 years Makayla finally came out the bathroom. Everyone just looked at her suspicious. "Whaaat?" She laughed. "Bitch, text me" Niyah spoke up. "I wanna know why everyone looking at my suspicious. Ray what the hell you done told these people?" She asked. "1st of all, we ain't "these people" and 2nd of all, text me like I said" getting a little Loud. "Okay okay" Kay gave in and pulled her iPhone out her back pocket. "Thanks babygirl" Niyah smiled.

💁 Kay 👈
"Give me my baby" I demanded Jordan "Ray, you heard her, give her her baby" Jordan responded. "Shii, whatcha' want baby girl a girl or boy?" Ray asked. "Umm, neither from you, my 1st SON fine be by Fetty Wap" I said. "Aight, don't get you and that nigga fucked up" Ray told me. "Fuck around and shoot that nigga other eye out" Ray mumbled to Prod and Roc. "Anyway, give me my godchild." I said, shrugging Ray off. "Here child" Jordan placed Jaden in my arm. "Hold his head, HOLD HIS HEAD, oh shit" Jordan slapped her forehead and shook her head. "I feel bad for your 1st SON sis" Niyah joked. I blankly stared at them and stuck Jadens middle finger at them. "Hey, hey hey, it ain't gone be nun of that going on" Jordan warned. "Girl shut up, this my baby" I said, touching his name. "Prince, he has your eyes and nose and curly hair. You can't deny him, he the split image of you." "Why would I?" Prince looked up from his phone. "Yeah, he the one who took my virginity" Jordan backed him up. "Yep. Had her ass shaking" Prince joked. "Shut the hell up" Jordan replied. "Don't try to act out in front of you family" Prince warned.

"Move bitch" I said to Prod and stuffed a fry in my mouth. After sitting down I took out my burger from its bag. "Y'all don't get me no food?" Jordan asked. "Jay, don't be silly, of course we didn't get you any food" I responded and bit in to my burger. "That's okay, cause my baby gone to get us food anyway" Jordan bragged. "The way he shut yo' ass up last night though" Niyah joked. "Oh bitch, The Shade Room over here. I joked with Niyah "Akiki bitch, don't beat the fuck up" Jordan said. "By who" I looked around. "Girl, me motherfucka'" Jordan said. "Let's stop Kay, before she blow the room off this hospital." Niyah said. "Blow thus bitch up and shoot the wrong person" I mumbled to Niyah. We busted out laughing. "Wait till I get out this hell whole today" Jordan threatened. "Uh-oh, that means that I need to leave before you do" I joked. "Makayla so playful" Niyah cried out. "I'm sorry baby, I'm done." I apologized to Jordan. "One more joke, one more joke" Niyah whisperd to me, but Jordan heard it too. "Shut up Shaniyah" me and Jordan yelled. "Okay okay" Niyah backed off

Dangerous Love ; Sequal To I Still Love U A Ray Ray Story .. SLOWLY UPDATINGWhere stories live. Discover now