At the end of I still luv U_a ray ray story Ray and Kay were not best friends they had broken up now its been 2 years since Ray and Kay have seen each other , Ray has become abusive to himself , find out what happens next
So I really wasn't going to do this, but the book has been fast forwarded 2 years!
Niyah "Oh god!" I groaned sitting down in the food court of the mall, I was doing last minute Christmas shopping and I couldn't complete it because of my constant headaches. Craig told me to go to the doctor, but in my opinion I'm okay. After shopping I got in the car and drove home, passing out on the couch. I will finish wrapping presents tomorrow.
It was the next day December 24, Christmas Eve. And as usual I was wrapping presents & eating peanuts. I don't know what has gotten into me, but peanuts just been my go to snack, like everyday. I dusted my hands off and went into the kitchen, opening a jar of peanut butter and added the peanuts to my peanut butter, then the doorbell rang. "Coming" I opened the door to see the girls I opened the door wider for them to come in & took Jayden from Jordan.
"Hi Te-Te baby!" I tickled and kissed Jayden. He was laughing hard. "We have drinks." Kay came out the kitchen with what looked like eggnog and handed each girl their glass. I took a sip of mine, tasting a hint of alcohol. "Guess the alcohol!" Niyah told me. "Umm, Rum?" "Ew no bitch it's Vodka!" "Mommy what's vodka?" Jay asked Jordan. "Nothing baby." "Mhm!" This boy was only 2 years old with a bad ass attitude. "Sooo, What you guys get me?" "You'll find out tomorrow, it's Christmas EVE not DAY." "Yeah well fuck y'all!" "Mommy prwesent." Jay pointed at a present under the Christmas tree. "Yea baby!" She picked him up. "I'm going to drop him off at my moms, when I get back we have to get ready for the party tonight."
"You okay baby?" Prod asked me. "Yeah, I'm just getting pre-cramps. "Oh, I will get your heating pad. You got pads?" "Mhm." I went into the bathroom.
Prodigy "Yo why Niyah ain't out the bathroom yet?" Ray asked. "Nigga I don't know!" I went to the upstairs bathroom where Niyah was and knocked on the door. "You okay baby?" She started screaming my name and I busted the door open to find her hunched over on the floor holding her stomach, there was blood on the floor. I got her up and I told everybody to meet us at the hospital.
Shaniyah Prod got us to the hospital and we were just waiting on the doctor. She finally came in. "I bet you weren't planning on spending your Christmas in a hospital in pain were you?" She joked. "No lol." "Okay.. are you by chance pregnant? Or trying to get pregnant?" "No, I was told that I couldn't have children." "Okay can I get you to go and tinkle in this cup for me?" "Sure" I took the cup from her and went to the bathroom. I came back and gave it to her. "Thank you, I'm just going to run this to the lab really quick." She took the cup from me. Ray and the rest of our family and friends were in the waiting room.
20 minuets she came back in our room with a nurse. "Okay, so it turns out that you're pregnant. Congratulations!" "What? No I can't get pregnant!" "It has happened to many people before where they were told that they weren't fertile enough to produce a baby, but you're pregnant." "I took pregnancy test and they all came back negative." "At home pregnancy test can sometimes be inaccurate, that's when you think that you might be pregnant that you check with your doctor." "Were going to do an ultrasound on you!" She applied the cold-like gel to my stomach and moved the tool around. "That is your baby!" We looked at the screen. "Actually you're in labor right now." "What?!" I hopped up shocked. "I haven't even showed." "People with endometriosis tend to not show, but you're nine months ma'am." She checked to see how many centimeters I had dilated. "Yup, 10 centimeters. What you thought were period cramps were actually contractions. You have to start pushing like right now!" She called a couple of more doctors and obgyns and nurses in the room. I got in position. "When you feel another contraction, push." I nodded and pushed. "Ahhhhhhh!" I damn near broke all Prodigy's bones in his hand. "Come on baby, you got it." "Ahhhhh!" "It's crowning!" I felt a burning sensation and pushed. It's head was out "you almost there, give me another good push." "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I felt the burning sensation again and all the pain was gone. "Congratulations its a boy!" The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. They unwrapped it and unclogged his air passage way. We heard his little cries. And the doctors took him away immediately for testing.
Everyone came in the room with gifts. "Awe congratulations baby!" Kay said. "Yeah, you deserve this." Jordan added. "Thanks guys. It's oh so bittersweet. Never in a million years would I think that I would deliver a baby on Christmas Day. I never thought that I would be delivering a baby at all. I just hope that he's alright. I mean I ate unhealthy, took no prenatal vitamins or nothing. On top of that we drunk alcohol last night. I wish I wasn't so stupid." "Oh come on baby, don't say that. You didn't know that you were pregnant." Prod rubbed my back. "My nephew gone be straight. He a G." Ray said. "Shut up Rayan, you not even a G." He sucked his teeth and mushed Kay head.
Hours of testing went by and the nurse knocked on the door, entering with the baby. "Hello. I have someone who wants to meet you!" She took the baby out of the baby bed and handed him to me. "Oh my God he's adorable. He had a head full of hair, Prodigy's lips and the rest of my face. "What's going to be his name?" "Ken!" "Rayan shut up!" The nurse left the room. I laughed. "Messiah Kade Crippen!" "That's beautiful baby." I looked at Prodigy. "Stop being stingy I wanna hold him too." "I just got him." "And it was my sperm." "Oh my lordt." Tay said. "You next Taylor!" Roc said. "No hell." "Did it hurt?" "Hell yea, as soon as I found out I was pregnant he was ready to come, I was already 10 centimeters dilated too, he didn't stretch me out though." The nurse came back in the room. "Hey guys. Baby Messiah was 5 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long." "Him so tiny!" "I want to hold my grandson also. Prodigy's mother said. "Oh, right, here you go." "Awe look at that! I never thought that I would see the day my retarded ass child produce a baby." She rolled her eyes at Prod. "Ma you know I do this, making cute children is what I do!" "Ion see cute, the baby cute but not you." "My daddy must have been very attractive to you cause y'all had me!" "Yes,yes he was!"
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Baby Messiah 1st photo shoot, photographers came to the hospital to take the pictures!