At the end of I still luv U_a ray ray story Ray and Kay were not best friends they had broken up now its been 2 years since Ray and Kay have seen each other , Ray has become abusive to himself , find out what happens next
😊 Kay 😊 "Oh Ray" "Yeah baby?" Ray asked leaving the bathroom. "Your ass ain't even wash your hands, but Adrian put in a request for us to go visit him in New York!" "I ain't seen your brother in how long and now he just going to pop up and demand us to go see him?" Ray asked. "Uh, yeah!" "Alright man. When we going there?" "Not your man, but at the latest Saturday" I said, cheesing like a dummy. "Damn baby, its already Wednesday!" He complained. "Which means you have plenty of time to pack our clothes" I kissed his cheek and skipped away. "Wait a minute, you know I can't pack clothes worth for shit!" Ray followed behind me I sigh heisright, mancan'tpackforshit! "Well, that leaves me to all the work. Which means I might just have you in some of my pants" I winked. "Aye man. Miss me with that gay shit. I got over enough pair of pants!" Itssofunny whenhegetsoffended. "Not your man. Once again." "My bad ma!" "You good daddy" I whispered in his ear. "Now, can we go to Krispy Kreme? I drive by there earlier and the red light was on. I want fresh donuts." "Sure" Ray said. "Great! Grab my phone, and keys, meet you in the car" I put on the shoes to go with my outfit.
"Baby, take my picture please" "Give my your phone" I gave Ray my phone and he snapped a couple pictures. "Here ma" "thanks dude" I got in the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt, then I looked at my pictures choose one and posted it on Instagram :
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Makayla_: Smooches! ❤
Blockoutthetrainpart 😂
"Damn my baby sexy". I removed my shades from my face and turned to Ray. "Thank you baby" hecanbesoniceattimes"always my baby's number one fan" he winked.
"Uh, yeah can I get a dozen of donuts? And a donut with cream filling?" "$14.25" "Get my donuts boo" "hold on fat ass" Ray joked. "I know my ass fat" I stuck out my tongue and grabbed my donuts from Ray.
"Hull, Ray van you at least help me pack these clothes?" I sighed. Now exhausted and all Ray was doing was playing that damn game. I'm about to delete his career on 2k16 seriously!
"Raaaaaaaay" I'm now getting annoyed. "Yes baby?" He paused the game and turned to look at me. "Come pack these clothes with me" "okay" he got up and came to sit next to me, helping me pack.
After a long time of packing we finally got done, now its time yo shower and get in this good ass bed. 😊
11 something the next morning, my fat ass come jumping in the bed. Then here come Ray ruining my fun! "Makalya, sit yo ass down fore' you break the damn bed" he turned over and opened his eyes. "I'll rather break it another way" I flopped down on the bed and sat criss-cross applesauce. "God, your so damn nasty" He sat up and hugged me. "Good morning Princess" laterhegonebebuggingme, beingameany"hey daddy" I winked got off the bed and went in the bathroom.
"Girl, nah we going to New York in the morning to go visit my brother" I took a swig of my Orange juice and put it down. "Girl, y'all ass always traveling. Damn travelholics" Jasminessuchabitch 😭. "I heard they got some good ass chocolate chip cookies" I licked my lips like a fat kid "yo' ass always hungry" I took they phone from my ear, stale faced the phone and put it back to my ear. "I hate you" laughing hard as fuck "I love you jelly bean" "bitch, not my name. But come over hoe" "okay little one" I hung up the phone and went upstairs
"Come in bitch" I opened to door wider for Jas to enter. We sat on the couch "girl, so tell me why Dee came over last night, talking bout Cheral got caught cheating" Jasmine explained. "You got some didn't you?" I side eyed her. "Damn, don't jump to conclusion, we was watching Netflix and things got heated, then I got some" "you so damn nasty, imma put you on with somebody" "with who? You don't got no friends" shewasright"you right, I got sisters" I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, that way" we hugged each other. "Wanna watch a Madea play?" "Yeah sis" we got up and went in the kitchen for snacks
"See you later boo, I love you" we hugged again and Jasmine walked out the door I locked the door and went to Rays man cave aka the basement. "Hey baby, I'm ready for dinner" "okay honey, let's go cook" "pick me up?" Ray kneeled and I got on his back.
"So, what we cooking?" "I really don't know, but I want fries" "well, hamburgers and fries" "yay" I jumped up like a dummy
"Ray, if you don't go to sleep now, then you will be late getting up in the morning" it was 11 o'clock at night and Ray didn't want to ho to sleep, our flight leaves at 10 am in the morning, yes in the morning! Were leaving in the morning because it takes approximately an day to get from Miami to New York. By the time we get everything done in New York its going to probably be Saturday, so yeah. I can't wait to see my nephew, Noah's going to be two in like three months. Growing up sooo fast!