Over again

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"How about-" I looked over to see riker on his desk, head in his hand passed out. I laughed. There was a knock on the door and Daniela poked her head in.

"Can I sleep over with Rydel?"

"Sure. I'll stay here
Too. But with him."

She smiled.
"Awwww he's so cute." She shut the door.

I smiled and went
Over to Riker. I knelt down next to him and kissed his cheek. "Hey babe?"


"C'mon let's get you in bed."

"Will you stay?" He slowly stood up and stretched.

"Can I borrow some pjs?"

He slowly started to kiss me and pulled my shirt off. "I don't think you need one." He pulled my hair out of its bum and ran his fingers through it, and pulled my pants off.

I took his shirt off and his kisses went down to my chest. I gave him a little shove. "I said bed."

"But I'm
Not tired anymore." He said, his eyes full of hunger. I smiled and got Into bed. He pulled his pants off and got in next to me.

"I'm pretty sure my brothers have some-"

I gave him a kiss.

"Your no fun."

I smiled. " I know." I cuddled in closer to him and he held me to his chest. I closed my eyes and drifted off
To sleep.


I woke up to a empty bed. It was around midnight. I pulled on one of Rikers shorts and snuck down stairs. I heard a thud and jumped. Riker had Ross pushed against a wall and was whisper yelling at him.

"If I see you touch her one more time I swear I'll-" riker hissed.

"I'm sorry would you prefer me to go for Elena again?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Riker didn't look away from Ross.

"Babe go back to bed."

Ross pushed riker off of him. "Yeah go back to bed."

"What did he do."

"Let's just say I had a little fun." Ross smirked. Daniela. I spun around and ran up the stairs. I went Into Rydels room and found her passed out on the floor, arms above her head. I looked at her wrists to see them red. Like when Ross would hold them above my head and make out with me.........

Oh hell no.

I ran down the stairs and pointed at Ross. "I can't believe you!"
I tried to run at him but Riker held me back. I shoved Riker away. "You weren't gonna tell me about this!?"

"I couldn't sleep...... So I thought I'd go get my pirates movie and watch it when I noticed Rydels room door open. So I went to go make sure everyone was ok and I found those two making out. So I pulled Ross off he and told her to go to bed then I came downstairs to...... Talk to him."

Ross rolled his eyes. "Can I go back to bed now?"

Riker sighed. "Whatever Ross."

As Ross walked by he placed a kiss on my cheek and it was my turn to hold Riker back from killing him. Ross skipped back upstairs. "I'm gonna go sleep in Rydels room tonight."

"No....... I don't wanna worry Daniela."

"Maybe you should just tell her......."

"She'll go and tell my mom and then I won't even be able to see you."

"Do you have to leave me....... It was supposed to be our fun night." He whined, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing me.

"I have condoms if you guys are interested." Rocky said, grabbing some chips.

I blushed. "No thank you...... I was just going to bed."

"Mmmm sure you where,"

I went upstairs and slipped into Ross' room. He smiled. "What a surprise. Here com sit down with me."

He was laying in bed shirtless. Pretty sure he wasn't wearing anything under the covers either. "I'm fine here thanks."

"Do I need to come get you." He voice turning hard.

I sat down on the edge of his bed. "What happened to that sweet Ross that let me go to Riker 4 months ago?"

"Bad boys ain't no good, good boys ain't no fun."
He smirked.

"Please just leave Daniela alone. Drag me into this whatever but she's like a sister to me. Please Ross......."

"Mmmm I think I kinda like her. When we kissed. I likes the way her
Body felt....... Mmmmm it was nice."

"Ross I don't want you going near her. Got it?"

"Your gonna have to keep me away from

"God your such a jerk!"

"Well I always end up getting what I want."

"Not this time." I stole one of his pillows and moved to the floor.

That's not
Gonna be comfortable."

"Well I'm
Only here to make sure
You don't leave."

"Whatever." He said.
We spent
Hours in silence. I couldn't fall back asleep.

Ross softly said.
I didn't
Feel like talking
To him so I just closed my eyes and tried to

I heard him rummage through the closet then pick me up and tuck me into bed. I looked down to see he had taken my sleeping spot. Within seconds he was passed out. Perfect.

I tried to sleep again but couldn't. I just ended up laying in bed for the most time. Ross started to whimper in his sleep. He thrashes around a little bit and started kicking and mumbling things.

"Stop!" He yelled. "Please no no! Don't hurt her no!" He kicked some more and I walked over to him.

I grabbed a shoulder. "Ross?"


I gave him a little shove and he sat up, gasping. He looked around scared.

"Wh- what......."

"Hey I'm sorry....... You where having a bad dream......"

He looked around, scared. His hair standing up everywhere.

"C'mon Ross......" I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs. I sat him in a chair and went into the cabinet. I warmed up some milk with chocolate syrup and got him a big cookie. I handed it to him and then sat down.

"Wanna tell me what happened in your dream?"

He shook his head, drinking some of his milk. "It wasn't even that bad. In fact it was nothing."

"That didn't look like nothing."

"Really it wasn't"

"So...... How come you moved to the floor?"

"You looked really uncomfortable......."

"Why do you care?"

"Never mind. Can I go back to bed?"

"Sure." I took his milk.

"You aren't coming?"

"I'm not
Tired at all."

"Want me
To stay up with you?"

"Nah I'm fine........"

He shrugged. "Alright........

"Mhm. See
You in the morning Ross......."


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