1. Very High

69 2 0

Monday June 14, 2024
06:35 A.M.

I woke up with my girlfriend cuddling into my side, I looked at her. I studied her face like it was a test. she didn't seem to wake up. I kissed her temple, got up to make breakfast for the both of us. All of a sudden my phone buzzed in my back pocket I grabbed it quick and answered it also put it on the speaker phone.
"This is L.J how may I help you?" I said out loud
"Yes Lizzy I need advice." Chris said
"What kind of advice my beardless bro?" I said
"Well I want to ask someone out and I don't know how can you help me, come here pleaseee." He said leaving the e a little long
"But I'm making breakfast for my love." I whined
"You have a boyfriend?" He asked
"Even better than a boyfriend I have a girlfriend, Chris how did you not know this?" I said shaking my head in disagreement
"I thought you were straight?" He asked
"That's Noel, Chris she's straight as fuck." I said finishing up the bacon
"Did you just make bacon?" He asked
"Yes, yes I did come over and I'll give you some." I said smiling
"I'll be over in five." He said
"Also watch your profanity young lady." He said with a tsk at the end
"No." I said
"Okay at least I tried, bye beautiful." He said
"Bye." I said blushing hard
I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and it started to kiss my shoulder.
"Morning." Sam muttered into my shoulder
I turned my head and smirked at her. She kissed my cheek got a piece of bacon. The doorbell rang and she grumbled and went to the door she opened it and Chris was standing there with a bright smile.
"Babe why is Chris Evans here?" She asked looking at me
"He wanted some advice to ask out a girl." I yelled from the kitchen
"Oh okay, come right in sir." She said
"Good morning L.J and you are?" He asked Sam
"Sam." She said
"You need help with asking someone out?" She said
"Yeah I do." He said sitting down
"Okay ask her out to lunch or dinner and pay for the bill girls never like paying for the bill never." She said
"That's pretty good advice thanks Sam I think I should get going bye guys." He said
"You don't want any bacon?" I said turning around
"No it's fine and bacon is kinda fat." He said bluntly
"Okay well bye Chris." I said turning back to the stove
"Bye Lizzy." He said kissing my cheek and Sam's then left
"Well are you done yet I'm starving here." She said
"Almost and done." I said putting two plates down filled with bacon, sausages, and egg I added a bit of rice to mine.
"May I have some rice too babe?" She asked
"Of course you may." I said getting the rice and putting on her plate
"Okay that's good enough, thanks." She said she folded her hands
"Let this food be blessed by god and all the saints amen." I said bowing my head in prayer
"Amen." She said and started to eat
After we ate our food my phones alarm went off for me to go to work. I wear short shorts and a white t - shirt with a pizza on the left of my boob. Sam wear the same but different print she wear converse and I wore adidas superstars. We both headed out to work.

22:45 P.M. (9:45 P.M.)

I came home to a very disappointed Sam her arms were folded in front of her chest. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. She pushed me away. I frowned at her. Her things were all packed up.
"Why are you late?" Her voice harsh
"I was caught up with work Sammy and I lost the time." I said
"I can't do this I know you were with him." She said
"I wasn't with anyone Sam I was at work." I said
"Bullshit Lizzy you were with Chris." She said
"You have to believe me Sam I was at work." I said getting closer to her
"I don't like being lied to Lizzy and I'm breaking up with you." She said
"No you don't mean that." I said with tears in the corner of my eyes
"I'm leaving you Lizzy you deserve to be with Chris." She said leaving with all her stuff in hand
The door slammed and my heart sank, I went to the bathroom and got the pills and took one. In a minute or two I got into a dress and went to the club. I wasn't that drunk I was just very high to the point of not remembering that the voices in everyone's head was gone. I need some air, I walked out and almost tripped. I got out my phone and saw that someone called me. I called them back and hoped that the person didn't answer.
"Hello?" He said through the phone
My eyes widened when I heard his voice.
"Hi." I said a little tipsy
"Noel is that you?" He said
"Yeah." I lied
"Why are you calling me at 03:45 A.M.?" He said yawning
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" I asked almost tearing up
"Are you crying?" He asked
"Well now that you say that, I am." I said crying over the phone
"Noel, calm down, where are you, I'm coming to get you." He said
"I'm at club 85." I said
"I'm on my way just hang in there." He said
He hanged up, I put my phone away in my pocket and went to the nearest wall and continued to ball my eyes out and waited for the high to go way but it didn't so far. I saw someone walk up to me and I noticed it was Sebastian Stan, I called the Sebastian Stan.
"Are you Noel?" He asked me
"Yeah." I lied
He picked me up bridal style and walked to his car he put me down and I almost fainted but he caught me in time. He opened the door and I went in he put my seat belt on for me, his cologne was intoxicating to me which made me sneeze in his face. My eyes widened. I put my hands in front of my mouth.
"I'm so sorry." I said tearing up again I rubbed my eyes
"Hey it's fine." He said holding my wrists
He went to the drivers side and went to his apartment which is a surprise to me that he lives in the same complex as me. We went into the elevator he pushed the 18 two floors up from mine. The elevator stopped and we went into his apartment it was neat but not as messy as mine. I sat down on the couch and laid my head on the arm of the couch and sleep took over me instantly.

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