15. Drinks, party jokes, and pick up lines

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Still the same day
17:55 p.m. (5:55 p.m.)

"Let's get this get together started." I said taking Sebs hand and sitting on the couch
"Okay what do you want to do then?" Chris said to the rest of them
"Spin the bottle but someone has to drink it all." Scarlett said
"I'm having a little bit." I said
"Lalie that'll hurt the baby!" Paul said
"Yeah not if I don't drink like everyday which I don't." I said
Paul shrugged his shoulder and got a beer from the kitchen and popped the tab and gave it to me I took a sip and past it to Seb who took a sip and past it to Scarlett who also took a sip and past to Renner and so on. As the bottle was almost empty they gave it to me and I drank the last of it I washed it out and dried it with my powers. I got a stool and a tray so the bottle won't fall out. I sat on Seb's lap and watched as we started to play spin the bottle. Eliza spun the bottle and it landed on Seb I got off of him and he kissed Eliza then it was Chris's turn he spun the bottle and it landed it on me. I got up and pecked his lips. He deepened the kiss a bit.
"Olay that's enough." Rob said pulling us apart
I smiled at Chris and sat on Seb with my arm around his neck. His hand was on my thigh rubbing it in small circles. I spun the bottle and it landed on Eliza. I got up and pecked her lips they were soft. Seb spun the bottle and it landed on Scarlett I got up and sat next to him, he got up and pecked Scars lips. They were kinda drunk-ish but me I was sober as fuck and thought of how I would feel in the morning. I got up and went to the kitchen and got some water. I felt like I was going to threw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. After I couldn't throw up anything I sat on the ground, I heard a knock on the door I got up and opened it and was trampled by some lips. Paul pulled back and walked away. I closed the door and threw up after a minute or two. Seb knocked on the door. I sat on the floor with my back on a wall and sleep took over me instantly.
"Baby you okay?" He asked going into the bathroom and saw me past out on the floor
He ran and for his phone everyone was looking at him.
"911 what's your emergency?" A woman said
"Yeah I need an ambulance." He said pacing around
"The ambulance are on there way just stay put." She said
He hanged up the phone and kept pacing.
"Seb what the hell is wrong." Chris asked Seb
"Check out for yourself." He said pointing at me
Chris got up and helped me to the couch and put a pillow on my head. I'm so lucky to have these people.
"I hope she's fine." Seb said hugging Chris
"She'll be fine." Chris said
"The ambulance are here everyone make some room." Rob said
As the ambulance took me to the hospital mom and Seb was in the car with me. They both held my hand. Moms hand was smooth and soft while Seb's was rough from his films and other stuff he does. The ambulance stopped and they took me out. We headed into the hospital. I slowly woke up and wanted Sebastian's hand but he was to far away. He ran toward me but was caught by my mom.
"You can't go with her she'll be fine I promise." She said holding him back
He went into the waiting room and sat down this time he had a shirt on. A fan walked up to him and asked for and autograph. But my mom stepped up and told the fan to leave.
"Thanks." He said
"Not a problem." She said getting up with her hand out
He took her hand and followed her and they eventually found my room. They went into the room while I was still sleeping they both pulled up a seat and sat down on each of my hands. Seb got up and kissed my forehead and sat back down. I stirred a bit and opened my eyes looked around. I slumped back down on the bed with a sigh and rubbed my tired eyes.
"How are you feeling." Mom asked
"I feel less vomitity." I said in Romanian
"That's good." Seb said kissing my forehead
"What was that language?" Mom asked
"Romanian." Seb said
"Okay cool." She said
The doctor came in with a nurse and escorted my mom out but not Seb. The doc gave me a blood bag and Seb had a disgusted face but smiled at me when I gave him some he took it and drank it all. His fangs came out and he looked at me with a grin. I nodded my head and went to the edge of the bed with my legs seperated and kissed him passionate still tasting blood on his lips I accidentally bite his lip. He stopped and put his hands on my shoulders.
"So doc what's the problem." My mom said going into the room
"Well they seem to be fine but she was just exhausted from something that happened or something else." Doc said
"What do you mean by they?" Mom asked
"Well your daughter is two months pregnant now." Doc said
"She's what!!" Mom yelled at the doctor
"Okay Jenny calm down." Doc said
"Who's the dad?" She asked
The doctor pointed to Seb who was hiding behind me his hands on both my sides. She went to him and grabbed his ear and yanked it all the way outside.
"Can I go?" I asked as they left
"No you have to stay." Doc said
I sighed deeply and the doctor left to do other patients. I disappeared and shifted into a Twilight werewolf. I ran out of the hospital and went to the nearest forest and howled as loud as I could. I guess someone heard me and came up to me with his palm out and I shifted into a human and cluched my stomach with a tree behind me.
"You're a human?" He asked
"Well I'm immortal." I said
"You okay, you look hurt." He said taking my hand and taking my pain
"Thanks." I said
"I'm Derek Hale." He said letting go if my hand
"I'm LJ Evans." I said
"Wait are you related to Chris Evans?" He asked
"He's my big brother." I said
"That's cool, is he as buff as he seems?" He asked
"Well you can meet him if you want?" I said walking to the tree house
We arrived at the tree house and went in. I was trampled by uncle Rob, Chris and everyone else.
"Why are you not in the hospital?" Paul asked
"I kinda ran away from the hospital." I said sitting down on the couch
My phone started to blow up like crazy and was ringing. I answered it and put it to my ear.
"Evans here?" I said
"Yeah where are you?" Seb said
"At the tree house." I said
"Oh thank God I though you got kiddnaped again." He said with a worried voice
"Baby don't worry about me I just don't want to be there and I found a friend you'll like." I said in Romanian
"Is it because you didn't want to see your mom fighting with me." He asked in Romanian
"No it's not that a close friend died in my arms bleeding out in the hospital." I said in Romanian
"I'm sorry I asked." He said in English
"It's fine just come quickly I already miss you." I said in English
"I'll see you very soon, bye." He said
"Love you bye." I said
He hanged up the phone and a few minutes later the door swang open and Sebastian came running and hugged me tightly I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck while my head was also buried in it.
"Thank God you're safe." He whispered
"Thank God you're my husband soon." I said
"How are they?" He asked while putting me down gently
"They are fine so far." I said grabbing his hand
"I want you meet someone." I said walking toward Derek
"Derek?" I said tapping his shoulder
"This is ..." I was interrupted by him
"Sebastian Stan I'm a huge fan it's nice to meet you." Derek said holding his hand out
Seb took his hand and shook it. I smiled at them and left for them to get to know each other.
" Your girlfriend is so cute you are one lucky guy to have her." Derek said
"Well she's going to be my wife soon." Seb said
"Really that's cool, congrats." Derek said
"Thanks." Seb said smiling at Derek
Chris interrupted them by tackling Seb with a bro hug which was a surprise. Seb nervously laughed at Chris and patted his drunk best friends back. I was just staring at the tv which was not on. I was thinking quitely but the voices in my head were insanely high today. I got up and went to my room closed the door and laided on the bed. I was staring at the ceiling. I didn't realise I fell asleep until every voice was gone and that Seb was laying down on me he grunted and sighed. He also kissed my neck and tucked me into bed. He put the sheet over me and let me rest. He was laying next to me with his hands behind his head and watching the tv quitely so I wouldn't wake up, how sweet can he be?
"I want you so badly." I mummered into the pillow
"What was that hon?" He asked rubbing me back in small circles
"I want you to take me now." I said in twin speak
"English please." He said angrily
"I said I want you to take me now." I said
"I think you need to be punished for leaving the hospital and not tell me or your mom." He said even angier
"Yes please." I said sitting up

So if there's any mistakes tell me I love to hear from my fans. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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