7. Clubing pt. 2

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"You best apologies." She said not letting go of my arm
"Apologies for what?" I said getting out of her grip
"I said apologies." She said
"Your just going to let her do this Seb?" I asked him
"He's not yours never will be." She said
"Seb can you hear me." I said facing him
"He can't hear you sweetie." She said
Chris runs up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry about her she doesn't know what's best." He said
"Oh hell yeah I do." I said to Chris
"What are you going to do I'm so scared little girl." She said in a mocking voice
"You don't want me to get pissed now do ya sweet cheeks." I said
"I'd like to see you pissed little girl." She said
"You might want to reframe from calling me little." I said
"Jen stop you don't know what she'll do to you." He said
"I'd like to see her try to defend her ex boyfriend." She said to Chris
"You want to see me pissed?!" I said
"Please!!?" She said putting her hands on her hips
"Okay." I said going to a fan I sank my fangs in her neck and took off her head in the process.
"That's me so fuck off Jen you lost." I said
"I didn't know you were a freak now I know why Sebastian broke up with you freak." She said
"Jen stop this is what she wants, she won't stop until everyone in this club is dead." He said
"You're right Chris I can't stop but there's to much alcohol in all of them making there blood stale." I said leaving
"Don't forget me ever." I said to Sebastian
"I love you so much I'll be back for you." I said in Romanian to Sebastian
"Bye Chris and sorry about your fan." I said not looking at him
I went to the set and got all my things and made my trailer into a box and left to go back to New York I also got my things and went to LA to live in my institute. I was happy when I was here. But I felt norhing toward doing anything I haven't cutted my hair in a month. I was missing way to much and everyone. I had to take control again. I was on the couch watching Riverdale. The doorbell rang. I looked at the door and the door went invisible to see Sebastian and Chris at my door. I just stayed in my spot until the bell rang again.
"Lizzy I know you're there." Chris said
I paused my TV and went upstairs and went to the balcony and looked down at them and with a sigh. They didn't look up I shifted into an eagle and flew to away. I went to the tree house and stayed there for a while until. I heard a knock on my door I grumbled. I got up and went to the door and opened it.
"What the fuck do you want guys?" I said looking at Anthony and Tom
"That's not how you talk to friends do you?" Tom asked looking at Anthony
"We want to talk to you?" Anthony asked
"Talk about what?" I asked
"We want to know why you left?" Sebastian yelled from the ground
I stepped foward and looked down at Chris and Sebastian. I shook my head as all the memories came back.
"Baby please tell us?" Seb asked
"Don't call me that." I mumbled
"Were coming up okay." Chris said
"Okay." I said
I walked into my tree house and let everyone in. It was a cosy tree house it was very big.
"We still want to know why you left?" Sebastian asked
"It's been a month since I feed on a human and ever since that night I put it past me and went here." I said
"That not what I asked." Seb said
"You want to know why I left?" I said
"Yes." They all said
"Okay it all started when I came back on set the minute I came back all I wanted to do was rip your guys throats out and when we went clubing I kinda hurt Sebastian but not Chris, some random person drugged me from not killing him." I said pointing to Sebastian
"Oh yeah I also killed one of your fans in front of Jennifer." I said
"You did what?" Sebastian said
I grabbed his hand and showed him what I did his eyes goes wide.
"She's not lying guys she did kill a fan of mine." He said
"Okay show me." Tom said
I grabbed his and Chris's hand to also show them and there eyes also goes wide. I grab Anthony's hand and show him too his eyes also got wide.
"Wow Lizzy that's very bad." Sebastian said first
"That why I left I was afraid of hurting you guys especially you Seb." I said looking at him
"I don't know you but I'm not afraid of you I envy you." Tom said
"You don't want to envy me Tom, I'm just not worth all your love." I said
"Lizzy we are all sorry for this." Chris said
"You all don't have to be sorry I deserve this, I can't love or be loved that's what they told me the scientists." I said
"But that was years ago Lalie." Chris said
"No it was reasent, they told me that, it was two months ago." I said
"That was when you were still kiddnaped." Sebastian said
"Yeah it was." I said
"What power did they give you?" Chris said
"They gave me wings like angle wings." I said
I turned around and took off my shirt and showed them my angel wings. I put them way fast. I put my shirt back on and was trampled with a back hug from Sebastian who was sobbing on my shoulder. I turned around and hugged his waist. They all got up and hugged me. I started to cry and I knelt on the ground and they did the same.
"I love you too." Sebastian said in Romanian
"I haven't forgotten about you even though I am still dating my ex." Seb said
I cried even more now that I'm super jealous of Jennifer on how she has Sebastian and I have no one to look for me, to worry about me, to say the thoes three words Sebastian just said, to feel loved, to feel a body next to me, to not feel. I turned it all off my emotions, worry, hate, jealousey, all of the emotions. I sat there not crying anymore and my eyes felt nothing but emptiness.
"Lizzy what did you do?" Chris said looking at me
"I turned it off." I said bluntly
"Turned what off?" Sebastian said
"I think she turned off her emotions?" Chris said to the guys
"That is correct Christopher." I said
"No please turn back on please I want the old you back this is not you." Sebastian said as his lips brushed mine
I didn't want this I turned it back on and kissed him back.
"There's my girl." He said in between kisses
"I've missed you so much." Chris said kissing my forehead
"I'm just here for the heck of it, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Anthony said
"I'm here because I wanted to get away from everyone but these guys." Tom said
"I'm here because I'm afraid I might hurt one of you, I never wanted this I never wanted to be experimented on." I said still crying
"I'm not much of a hugger but I'll take this as love." I said again
They all laughed at my comment. I smiled and hugged Seb tighter.
"How about we all go back to the institute and give you guys a tour of this one." I said
"Lets do it." They all said at the same time
The entire time I was being hugged the song Monsters by Timeflies ft. Katie Sky was playing on my institute. We walkes into the institute and I started to sing along with the song and they looked at each other, they were in love with my voice they were clapping as the song ended. I bowed like a girl. Tom laughed at me and hugged me tightly.
"Not a hugger, not a hugger." I said
"Tom let go of my ex girlfriend." Seb said
"The only person she can hug is me and Seb." Chris said
"Tom even I know this." Anthony said
"I'm sorry I'm just so happy we found her here." Tom said letting go of me
"How did you find me?" I said to all of them
Chris schratched the back of his neck while they all turned red to the color of blood.
"They had a little help by me I'm the only one who knows where you'll be at what time and date." Noel said on the couch looking at the TV
"Why is she here?" I said pointing at her with my thumb
"She's our ride." Tom said
"Okay." I said
"Wait you don't care?" Sebastian said
"No, I care I just don't show it but when I do something bad always happen." I said walking away from the door
Sebastian took my hand in his and we walked around.
"How many rooms does this house have?" Tom asked looking around
"It has a like about 23 to 30 rooms including the bathroom." I said to Tom while pointing up to the ceiling
"How big is one room?" Chris asked
"You can look if you want, you all have a room here." I said
"What, and where's my room?" Tom asked shaking my arm
I picked up his hands and shook it in front of his face.
"A thousand time little child don't like being touched if I don't know you don't touch me!" I said letting go of his hands
"Sorry." He said
I nodded my head and left an arm around my shoulder. I looked beside me and Sebastian's arm was on my shoulder I just smiled and looked away while I blushed hard.
"You made her blush bro that's a start." Chris whispered to Sebastian's ear
"I know huh?" Sebastian whispered back
You guys are pathetic. I shook my head inside but not outside. On the outside I'm blushing hard. I really missed Sebastian so much. I haven't stopped loving him nor will I ever. I've been around the set invisible.

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