5. Insomniac

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Saturday evening
November 21, 2024

"Lizzy I kinda have to go back to filming like tomorrow is it fine if I stay at my place for the night?" He asked
"Yeah it's fine babe." I said sitting up
"Hey look at me?" He said
I looked up into his bright blue eyes. He touched my chin then my lip.
"It's just for a few months I'll be back as soon as possible." He said
"You better be." I said
"I have to pack, I'll see you later." He said
"Okay baby." I said
"I love you." He said kissing me a good bye
"I know." I said smiling
"Did you just Han Solo me?" He smiled
"Yeah." I said
"Well, okay then." He said getting out of my apartment
"Hey Seb." I said sticking out my head
"Yeah?" He asked
"I love you." I said
"I love you more." He said looking at me
"I love you most." I said smiling wide
He went into his apartment and closed the window. I logged into his tv and saw what he was doing.
"Don't forget ur toothbrush and paste babe." I said making him jump
"Lizzy you scared me and how did you get in my TV?" He asked turning around
"Well I can hack into any TV I own the building remember?" I said
"Yeah guess what?" He said
"What it is babes?" I asked giving a small smile
"Happy 33rd birthday Liezel." He said holding a cupcake in his hand with a candle in it
"Thanks baby blow it out for me." I said
"Make a wish first." He said
I closed my eyes and made a wish. I wished for love and happiness in everyone's lives including mine. I opened my eyes and blew on the TV and the candle was blown out.
"I love you so much." He said
"I love you too so much." I said
"I have to go baby." He said
"Okay." I said
"Bye." He said looking at me
"Bye." I said waving at the screen
I turned off my TV and went out to get some food. I went to KFC and ate it there after I was done I went for a nice stroll. Some truck stopped and some guys like two men one was holding a cloth in hand and the other was holding a black bag, the guy with the cloth put it to my mouth as I passed out instantly, the guy with the black bag put his or her bag over my head and they took me to the car and drove away. I woke up with all my clothes off my hands were tied to the chair there was a cloth in my mouth. I looked around and saw torturing tools to the right of me. A guy came out of the door. He took off my cloth on my mouth.
"Hi there I'm not trying hurt you too much I need you to do me a favour." He said
"What do you need me to do?" I said in his mind
"I need you to send a message to your boyfriend saying that I'm going to kill you." He said
"Okay." I said out loud
"What no I don't want to die please let me live?" He said
"I've lived for a long time and also I can get out of these ropes and rip your throat out off your body with my teeth but I'm not hungry." I said
"How are you going to that?" He asked
"I can show you just put your hand in mine." I said
He did what I asked and showed him the horror of my power. His eyes widened. He nodded his head.
"Odd question." He said
"How long have you've had these powers?" He asked
"Since I was three." I said
"That's a long time." He said getting a tool from the table
It was a serum I closed my eye and he put it in my arm. The serum made the voices I sighed and opened my eyes.
"Thanks for taking care of the voices they drive to insanity sometimes." I said
"Your welcome?" He said he got me up and pushed me to the wall
He took my ropes off and put new ones on and put it on the wall he left the room and another guy went in with a whip and was going to struck me with it. I grunted in pain as it hit my back. He hit my back again and the memories started to came back. Back to the days I was tortured by the forces.
I screamed out in pain he stopped and put in the cloth in my mouth again. My eyes changed from hazel to bright blue and I started to shift but I couldn't finish it, it just let me stayed the same. I shifted back he kept whiping me. I was shaking now the blood dripping down my legs slowly. He sticked a needle into my neck which made me hyper and wide awake. He gave me full adrenaline it hurt like a bitch. He continued to whip me until I was crying  and muffled screams into the cloth they gave me. A guy came in and stopped his friend.
"Hey that's enough she's had enough let her rest for a while and for God's sake get her a shirt." He said
"She needs to feel." The Guy said back to him
"Greyson, she's nearly dying." He said
"But Derek she looks fine to me." Greyson said to Derek
"Just fucking kill me already I'm already dead as it is." I said in there minds
"That we can't do we need you Lizzy." Derek said
"Fine whatever you guys say." I said
"Do you need rest." Derek said
I shook my head to symbolise a "no".
He went to the table and stocked me with more adrenaline which made me more hyper and wide awake again.
"Are you sure you want this?" Greyson said
"I'm already dead so what's the point I'll heal anyway." I said in his mind

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