Chapter 1

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The woman on my ceiling always had amazing stories to tell. The boy under my bed was scared of very little noise that crept from my old house. The man in my closet had a cruel tone, but he was nice, at least for a demon.

"There is a world other than ours where monsters live as we do, and humans are the myths and legends that play their minds. These monsters that you think you know can never be understood by an adult. For who they are is hard to explain, or should I say who they were is hard to explain." That was my response to a writing prompt in 3rd grade. The prompt was asking us to write about a world other than ours. I was taken to counseling soon after, and have been going there for the last three years of my life. I should have never told them, I knew adults wouldn't understand what I was saying. I tried to say it was a joke, but my parents know me too well. They knew I really believed what I wrote, especially because I remember it word for word.

I should have never told them, but when the therapist asked if any monsters from the other world are in this world. I said yes. She said she wouldn't tell. She lied to me, now I am in trouble. I have not spoken to my parents in two years, they should stop pay for psychologists and therapists alike, I still won't talk to them. They should know better.

I still talk to Sally, she lives on my ceiling, she was killed by her husband when she was 24. I feel bad for her, she never really got to live her life how she wanted to. The boy under my beds name is Thomas, he was killed by an intruder when he was 15. Matt is a demon who lives in my closet. Matt is the most sophisticated creature I have ever met, he tells me everything I know. He believes everything I say, or he will correct me when I am wrong. These three are my only friends, everyone else thinks I am crazy, and I should be put away.

It has been seven years since I was put into an insane asylum. Bet you didn't think those places still existed, they do but by a different name, psychiatric hospitals. The one I am in is probably illegal, but I wouldn't know for the last time I saw light that wasn't artificial light bulbs was when I was eleven, while being told I was better off dead than in "Their" world, as my classmates would say.

For seven years I have been in three rooms. One room is my bedroom, where it only contains a bed that is bolted into the concrete floor, and a small table that is also bolted down. The table had nothing special to it, that's just where my food is thrown by the male nurse Rodrick. Rodrick is a handsome fellow according to all the females in the facility. He calls me demon boy for the story about Matt got around, now no one will even look my way. The second room I get to be in is the "Play hall" which is a large room where they stick everyone during the day after being drug out of their rooms. I have one place where I sit in there. A small stool sits awaiting my arrival. I sit next to a wall, where I believe a window once was. I can feel the edges of the wall where they plastered over boards. No outside light ever enters this place, which to my taste is quite depressing in itself. The third room is the eating hall where everyone is given a certain amount of disgusting food and expected to eat it without complaints. But to everyone's surprise, one patient will start a food fight because they wanted something different. Only once was food thrown my way, hitting my head. It hasn't happened since then, and there was another reason everyone now calls me demon boy. There are no particular shower rooms, so if you get dirty this is what happens. First you go back to your room, then you strip off your clothes. A power hose is then brought to your room by a nurse. In your room against a wall you are sprayed by a harsh cold water until you appear clean. There is a drain in the floor of each room, so water is easily left to wash away on its own. New clothes will be brought to you after you have air dried in the cold concrete room. You may not warm yourself during that time with your bed or your bed sheets. Beds are washed once a month while you are in the Play hall.

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