Chapter 3

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I woke to a stir of the door opening, my nurse came in an placed the food gently upon my bedside table, she gave a faint smile towards me and left the room. I quickly ate my food as Matt arrived within my view. I studied his face, he was obviously still pondering who Lilith was. I watched him pace the room as I quietly finished my breakfast. Thomas came out from under my bed to watch Mathew as well, Sally along side us upon my ceiling high above us.

My nurse broke the silence as she stepped inside the room once again and took my plate, she escorted me along the corridors, Matt and Thomas followed me closely, Sally followed in a skip above us. She left me inside the Play Hall as I headed over to my usual spot.

Once I arrived I realized, my seat was no longer there, it was no where in sight either. I searched the Hall before others arrived, but it was nowhere. I headed back over to my spot and sat. Everyone was silent, and it was unsettling. The wind spoke not like the other day, instead it carried the song of a young woman's voice singing throughout it.

People arrived as I listened to the comforting girls voice, people stared at me as I sat in a blissful state, hearing the sound of music I have never heard before. Mother never sang to me when I was younger, I had never known this sound except for the sad little lullaby's Sally sometimes sung. But her songs were about her death and betrayal. This was not like that, it was calming.

One voice finally penetrated the sound of singing. Lilith's own voice was harsh yet calming, but there was something off about it still. I looked up to Lilith as she spoke.

"She is a young girl, a beautiful lass that sung this." She spoke with sadness.

"You know her?" Matt quickly questioned her. She nodded in response, but as she did so, Rodrick came into the Hall. He quickly noticed her and left with wide eyes.

"Lilith you should go, you might look crazy, Rodrick saw you, run. Now." I quickly got up and started pushing her away towards the exit. But she stopped me when she used all her might to stop going forward. "Lilith you need to go!" She turned and pouted at me.

"I haven't given you my gift yet!" She ran over to where I normally sat.

"My chair is gone, what do you need, you should leave!" I tried to grab her arm but she swung around to face the wall.

"My gift has nothing to do with the chair, but it has something to do with this." She placed her hand against the wall. she gently caressed the smooth plaster with her fingers. Before she could continue Rodrick appeared behind us rushing straight at her. "NO, I'M NOT DONE!" she screamed as Rodrick picked her up in a defensive style. Her arms constricted against her side. she squirmed and screamed at him to let her go.

"Everyone gets in trouble around me, I'm sorry Lilith." I watched as her face melted into melancholy. She stopped squirming and screaming, a tear ran down her face, quietly dripping onto the floor as Rodrick continued to carry her away.

"Alex." she whispered as the doors closed around her face. I stood alone as everyone in the room stared. Tears rushed out as I dropped to my knees. Sally tried to comfort me, but I just cried harder.

I was carried to my room earlier than normal by Rodrick. He set me gently on my mattress and placed food upon my desk later. He was oddly kind towards me, he did not speak and did not throw any harsh movements. I fell asleep with Matt and Sally watching over me.

~ I sat in a dark room, but a lush couch below me. I couldn't stand like something held me back. Two feminine hands reached around me, covering my mouth and eyes.

"Listen to me, and listen good." The voice was harsh and strong, yet it made me want to never stop listening. "Save her." Her voice became delicate and worried. Like the woman behind this tone was close to tears. She let go of my eyes, but as I turned around nothing was there.~

The morning arose and I felt like hell froze over. Matt and Sally were nowhere in sight, as Thomas was not under my bed. I ate my breakfast that Rodrick brought in for me. And followed him to the Play Hall as normal, my chair was still nowhere in sight. I sat next to the wall that Lilith cared about yesterday. Tears fell as I thought she was the only real person that accepted me. She was like me, she showed me that I was not crazy. I laid my head against the wall as I watched the world pass around me in the hall. My eyes slipped closed.

My eyes quickly shot open upon Matt's touch, he pointed towards the door. I got up and watched it. It slammed open and Lilith stepped inside, she began to run towards me with a smile upon her lips, yet her eyes screamed to keep running. Many security guards I have never seen before ran in behind her, yelling for her to stop. They were huge with muscles, why did they follow her. At that point I realized what Lilith was wearing.

A straight jacket hung loosely upon her body, the buckles to hold her arms against her were broken and shattered. She finally reached me, but as I expected her to stop she continued to the wall behind me.

 She looked back at me, "I'm Sorry," She looked forward again and pushed forward. She pulled her hands high above her before pluming them forward. One hit and the dry wall plummeted to the floor. As the white ash filled the air I could hear Lilith scream, but I could not see, Matt told me to stay back, but he knew nothing either.

The ash cleared just as I was pulled back by Rodrick. I watched as a large full wall length window came into view. A beautiful blue sky with little puffy clouds, trees lined a road in the front of the building, so many colors I had long forgotten.

Tears began to run down my face as all the feelings I had barricaded long ago came flooding forward from my childhood. Rodrick picked me up as I wept from the beautiful sunshine. I looked over to see Sally smiling and a whispered "Stay" on her lips. i wiggled out of Rodrick's arms and sat on the floor watching the world outside.

I heard Rodrick sigh behind me, but as he began to leave me I piped up. "Who is she?" I never faced away from the window, but Rodrick I could tell stopped and came back towards me.

"She is a patient here, a different unit hold her. She is new to the facility, she was transferred here when her mother, the nurse who has taken care of you in my absence, moved here." Rodrick got up after that and began to walk away again.

"One last question." I turned to look at him, he stopped and looked back.

"Her name is indeed Lilith, and I am only kind for now, you seemed close with the horror show kid." I turned back to watched the sky as Rodrick left.

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