Chapter 2

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I woke to the last hum of Sally's song. "Did you sing all night Sally?" I looked up to meet her gaze from my ceiling. She nodded.

"You stirred throughout the nights darkness, like a scared child of the rising sun." Matt looked over to me. I shook his words off, even though I was scared, scared of the girl I had met previously. The new nurse opened my door as I started to think about her daughter. She plopped the food upon my small table. With a small smile the woman left my room allowing me to eat in peace. I ate my food as Thomas wiggled around in a nervous state underneath my bed. Mathew had told Thomas about the new girl, but for some reason he screamed at the mention of her name, and ever since he has been hiding from even his shadow.

The nurse soon arrived back inside my room she happily grabbed my empty plate and lead me to the Play Hall, Matt silently followed behind me. As we walked the halls down to our final destination a breezes hallow words spoke softly.

  "That, ere the snake's, her sweet tongue could deceive,
And her enchanted hair was the first gold.
And still she sits, young while the earth is old,
And, subtly of herself contemplative,
Draws men to watch the bright web she can weave,
Till heart and body and life are in its hold.
The rose and poppy are her flower; for where
Is he not found, O Lilith, whom shed scent
And soft-shed kisses and soft sleep shall snare?
Lo! As that youth's eyes burned at thine, so went
Thy spell through him, and left his straight neck bent
And round his heart one strangling golden hair. "

Matt urged me along and I hesitantly followed him. It mentioned her name, why did the creature of wind, something no one hears or sees speak her name. 

We arrived at the chair by the wall, I sat in a daze of confusion. "First, Thomas screams at the mention of her name, then the wind mentions her name? Matt do you know anything, she can touch you, something can not be right with her." My fingers entangled themselves in my brown locks of hair as I hunched over towards Mathew. Before Matt could open his mouth to speak another voice filled our ears.

"Well millions of years ago she came To be the first woman born of dirt and Earth and no her name was not Eve... She was willful, vain and demanded Equality but Adam refused her dark Hearted soul and asked God to banish Her from the garden but as she made Her way to the sea she spoke aloud God's real name and said swore She'd never step foot in the garden Again if he'd give her wings, he agreed And so in a fit of rage she took to The wind and became one of Satan's Whores and it is said every night She copulates in the desert with Countless demons."

"Alex, don't fear, but I know who the voices speak of-" Mathew stopped mid sentence.

"Who do you speak of dear breeze, you do dare warn people like I am a monster to run from, like I am some worthless demon not worth your time!" Lilith appeared beside us, a sweet voice yet harsh like a nights storm. "I am no nights monster, I am no Storm goddess, how dare you treat me like some crude beast with no feelings." Tears dripped to the ground from Lilith's eyes. Even through the fear I have felt that came from her name. I could only see a sad little girl, one that needed someone to comfort her as the tears below became a lake around our feet.

I stood and pulled the child into a hug, she could not have been much younger than I, but she just seemed to poor to leave as she cried before us. Mathew gently pet her hair as he loomed over both of us. soon she stopped crying and pulled away from us.

"I a not a monster, I promise." she wiped the few remaining streams of tears from her face. Gently smeared mascara against her cheek.

"Matt, could you gather Sally and Thomas in here, I do not believe she is the monster that everyone believes her to be. Please." Mathew nodded and vanished into the air, soon bringing back a very frightened Thomas and a satisfied Sally. Thomas looked up and quickly met Lilith's eyes, his fear quickly faded.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked her so plainly like there was not anything scary about her. She held out her hand, and Thomas hesitantly grabbed it and shook it. i quickly smacked their hands down, "Do you realize you will be trapped in here with me if someone finds you insane as me. Seeing thins 'not there'." she giggled at my widened eyes.

"You should not worry, for everything is taken care of, I promise." She said it as if I should have not every worried for anyone in my life, like it was such a small thing that I should over look easily.

the dinner bell rang interrupting my thoughts, Thomas and Sally disappeared and Lilith said her good bye for the day, as me and Matt walked to the Dinning Hall. We ate in silence among ourselves. Behind me the Cafeteria was in an uproar of food throwing, because it was not sweet. I was then lead back to my solemn room of concrete. 

Matt pulled Thomas out from under the bed, "Why scream at her name first mentioned, but question who she is when you two meet?" Matt practically screamed the words, but quiet enough to just come out very loud. then ten year old cried at the harshness, but reply reluctantly.

"T-That is not the Lilith I know." He stuttered in complete terror. Matt let him go and he happily crawled back under my bed

"Not the Lilith you know? There is no other Lilith than the demon every creature was taught to fear. The monster that every creature was taught was a myth. The monster Lilith that we met the other day.

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