Chapter 5

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We followed the hand prints down the wall to a metal door. I attempted to open it, but as my hand pressed forward ice bit at my palm, turning to an icy cold blue.

Matt rushed to my hand and grabbed it, attempting to warm it, but it only hurt me worse as I screamed out in pain. My scream must have woke something beyond the door as we heard loud bangs echo through the once silent halls.

The banging seemed to go on forever, nonstop, bang . . . bang . . . bang . . . then it stopped, with not other sound to follow the silence slipped back into the air surrounding us in every nook and cranny. 

"Hello?" I spoke out, "Who are you?" No response followed.

I kicked the door, maybe that was the only thing we could hear through the metal thing.

A loud bang followed suit, signaling that I was possibly right.

"Should we go in?" I turned to Sally and Matt who stood in shock behind me.

Sally stared at the door, but slowly looked at me and shook her head, 'no'. I looked at Matt for confirmation, his response was the same, but either way I was truly curious. I tried to reach out my frozen palm again, but Sally grabbed my wrist before I made contact.

"We should go back. I don't like any of this." Sally watched me with a worried expression, she really didn't want to go on.

"Then why would Thomas want me to come here, why did he say to save her, and if it was just a cruel joke, then why did that woman, the woman I somehow recognize. The woman appeared before me and said to save her. WHY?" I snapped back at Sally as I yanked my hand back, holding it close to my chest.

Sally backed away, "If you want, go on Alex, but we will not come with you." I looked back at Matts reply, he held a teary eyed Sally in his arms.

"I have to find out why I am the one, I have to find out why she needs saving." I looked back at the door, "I need to know who she truly is."

I pressed my palms against the door as Matt and Sally disappeared behind me. I pressed with my whole weight against the door, my shoulder and face hit as the door finally began to move. The frostbite spread across every inch it touched. It hurt, but I need the information behind the door.

I opened the door half way before entering, my body half frozen. The room burned me like fire as I entered, the walls were blood red, cement flooring. The walls contained no windows, like the last room it matched the Play Hall, but it was just slightly off. Slowly everything seemed to change, but yet it all seemed to stay the same.

I looked around, looking for what could have been banging on the door, but I couldn't find anything. I looked the room over a second time, even a third, nothing. I left for the next door as something appeared in the corner of the room, opposite of me. A dark cloud looking figure facing the ground stood up.

"Hello? Were you the one banging." I questioned as I began walking towards the thing.

Its head snapped up and stared at me, its face stopping me in my tracks. Hell fire rested in empty sockets instead of eyes, its mouth hung open like a beasts, jagged sharp teeth lined its mouth, black skin soaked in a greyish smoke.

"RUN!" A scream came from the door I was once heading towards. I turned my head back towards the creature, it was paused five feet away from me now. I must have cover some thirty feet in only a couple seconds without a sound. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON IT AND BACK AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN, DO NOT BLINK." I did as the voice instructed and backed away without blinking, its jaw swinging from its sudden movement.

I felt the door hit my back and I pushed the door as it slowly opened. I blinked finally and the creature began running at me. I rushed inside and immediately something inside this new room helped me close the door quickly, but its hand just barley touched me sending a blinding pain through my body as I fell to the ground. My left arm refused to move after that.

The room was dark. "Who are you?" I asked blindly into the darkness.

"I am Lilith, Alex." Her small voice sounded through the dark. It no longer sounded bubbly or happy in anyway. I heard shuffling before a blinding white light lit the room. My eyes squinted, but when they adjusted I saw hold Lilith was bound.

A straight jacket surrounded her body, like the one I had saw on her before, but now tightly fastened, and chains wrapped tightly around her form. A head cage laid over her shoulders, only a little bit of blonde hair spilling out. Ankle chains held her down, limiting her movement speed wise. She was bound so tightly she could never escape even with help. The most surprising thing were the strange drawings, and the unknown words scribbled on everything that touched, or bound her.

"Lilith what are those?" I pointed to the strange marks.

"Oh, those are demon traps, and holy scriptures to contain me." She tumbled down to sit on the ground next to me. "Were you touched?" I looked at the ash like mark on my now lifeless arm.

"Its fine, you're the one bound by holy scriptures. How do I help you?" I leaned up and started to reach out. but before I could the straps fell limply from around her, the chains held tight, everything except the straps of the straight jacket.

"Let me." She leaned over and grabbed my arm, it hurt immensely as I gave it over. I winced as she touched me, she held it more gently afterwards. 

Her hands slid over the mark and it slowly disappeared as I gained feeling in my arm again, the pain eased until it was all gone.

"Lilith! HOW DID YOU-" I stopped as she stared into my eyes.

"How, why did you come here?" Her head tilted within the cage. I wanted to question her more but she seemed persistent on my being in the room, beyond the door of some type of demon.

"I had a dream of some woman coated in black that said to 'save her' I questioned who I was to save, but then several days later Thomas understood as a note came with the same two words on it, he lead me down several halls, until I made it into one hall without him where I met the woman again, but out of the dream. She said to 'save her' and lead me to the previous room. And I guess you know the rest . . . if you were the one banging."

"I was, but I was trying to say leave." She scooted over to lean against the pure white wall.

"Who are you Lilith?" 

"I am the mother of demons, I am the one the bible never wanted you to know about. The woman is my mother, though not through blood, she raised me when I was first made. The demon you encountered out there is Lucifer. He's not so bad now though." She leaned her head against the wall, like her mind was wandering the earth separate from her body. "My mother, the nurse you know is in no way my mother, she is Hera. She trapped my mother and Lucifer as they are the two things closest to me in a dark smoke that only her or I can in bound, but she's locked away most of my power away. Somewhere I know not of." Lilith looked at me and cupped my cheek within her palm. 

"what can I do to help, every one seems assured that I can somehow save you?"

She gazed into my eyes, "Alex, you should never have come here, for there is no way out. Not even for me, not anymore." Her hand fell limp as her eyes closed.

"Lilith!" I jerked up when she did not respond. "Lilith!" I took her shoulders in my hands and tried to shake her, but to no avail, I reached my hand under the head cage and found no pulse. "Lilith!" 

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