Chapter 8 - The Twin Demons

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"Commander Elias, the army is ready!"

A lone silhouette stood at the edge of the cliff, as he stared down at the multitude of masses stationed below the cliff. With his dark red hair fluttering in the wind, the expression on the man's face was one of calm and absolute authority.

Wearing a dark blood-red armor, the man was an imposing figure as he stood on that cliff.

A soldier was currently kneeling behind the red-haired man, as he patiently waited for further commands from his Commander.

"Where is Marcus?"

Elias asked the soldier without turning around.

Faced with this question, the soldier let out faint smile. Although the soldier could not see Elias's face, there was also a hint of amusement in Elias's expression when he asked this question to the soldier.

"The prince is... well, uh.... contained by the... *ehem* female soldiers."

The soldier hesitantly replied with red face, as it was mostly his squad's female elementalists that were the ones who were pestering the prince.

Elias could not contain himself anymore and burst out in a belly full of laughter.

"Hahaha, that kid! No matter where we go, he still has his female followers pestering him. Anyways, this will lighten the mood before we set out for the first battle, so it's fine. Marcus needs to solve this problem on his own, otherwise once he gets married, I'm afraid his wife will leave him after the first day!"

Seeing the Commander himself laugh, the soldier let out a grin as well. He knew how popular the Prince was with the ladies of court, and that seemed to extend to all young females of the kingdom.

At the age of sixteen years old, with milky-white skin and raven-black hair, along with his dark emerald eyes, Marcus was more of a beautiful male than handsome.

Combined with his compassionate personality and amiable attitude towards others, Marcus found it difficult to directly reject any female's advances.

*step* *step*

Hearing the soft footsteps, both men turned around to look at the newcomer.

Seeing who it was, the soldier quickly saluted Elias and returned back to his post. He knew that these two powerful men would like to be in private, so he swiftly departed.

"It appears that wherever we go, carnage and bloodshed seems to follow us, old friend."

The newcomer stated, as he continued to slowly walk towards the cliff where Elias was standing.

The newcomer had dark purple hair mixed with strands of grey, and eyes the color of black jade. With a thin face, he had a sharp jawline and excluded an aura that was no less authoritative than Elias.

He was also equally as tall as Elias, but lacked the muscular structure of his friend.

In response to his friend, Elias simply looked towards the sky and said.

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