Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: Okay I feel as if i'm adding Baby Don't Cry so randomly here so it isn't necessary to listen to since I'm not even sure if it matches this chapter heh

Jongin's POV:


Range of burns.

That is what the doctor had said to me.

He was explaining other things to both me and Chief but all the speech around me seemed to fade out as I saw Rina's body being reeled past us and into a room. She was unconscious and has bandages covering her burns along with the blanket tucked tightly around her small frame. The door to the room she was taken in was shut with a bang and the Chief nudged me.

"Jongin, all we can do now is wait... You should go home." He gestured toward the exit.

I looked blankly at the chief before firmly planting myself on the chairs in the waiting room.

"Sir, I am not going anywhere. Not until she wakes up." I sternly said to the Chief.

"Look Jongin, it's been rather long and eventful day. You need to rest and gather your case together for what you will say to the U.N.T board during your trial."

I brought my eyes up to the chief one and simply stated:

"All I care about right now sir is that Rina wakes up and she is alive... The trial can wait because as far as I know I am already considered untrustable after what I have done."

I felt the chief place a reassuring hand on my shoulder patting it as if he was trying to provide me with strength to get through all this:

"For your sake Jongin I hope Rina wakes up soon for she is the only one who can fight in your corner..."

With those last words he left me in the dim lighted corridor and exited the hospital. I knew he wanted to stay but he had things to take care of in the U.N.T. I sighed deeply and started getting into a comfortable position on the chair knowing that I would surely be spending many sleepless nights here.


4 days that's how many days it has been since she has opened those hazel eyes again, since she has smiled and since she has spoken. I knew I was a complete mess and I was getting messages from the chief about the trial and that I had not turned up to it on the date that had been set.

The truth is I just didn't care anymore. I just needed to be here with Rina, to know that she wakes up and she is fine so I intertwined our hands together as she lay there unconscious and unaware of the things that were happening around her.

How quickly I was beginning to crumble apart without seeing her smile, without hearing her voice.

But , it is all my fault she lays here in this cold hospital room with monitors that beep constantly and with wires attached to her. That she was left with these burns that lay underneath the bandages.

She had lost so many people close to her including her parents, Chiwon and Minji.  She had such a broken past as I did with mine. We had a link between our pasts, between our parents.

But maybe our past was supposed so damn broken. So that when we met we'd fit together so perfectly, that nothing would ever be able to break us again.

As I gripped her hand tightly and felt her hand shuffle in movement. I immediately jumped out of my seat leaning closer towards her.

"Rina..." I whipered.

Her eyes began to flutter open and I my heart began to beat erratically fast as it always did when I looked into those beautiful hazel eyes full of life. I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt Rina bring her hand up to my cheek wiping the tear away.

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