Random Freaking Craziness

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Hello, mi amigos! How are you all this fine, fine day? Ready for President's Day Weekend? If you've been worrying that I died in a horrible freak lemur racing a camel incident, you can stop. I'm alive and well, still kicking! I'll explain what's been up with me lately at the end, so you can skip it after you hear all the relevant news.

First off, expect more updates! I know I've said it before, (and we all know that was a complete and total lie!) But this time I mean it! I've found that if I *whispers* stay up past my bedtime, *talks normally* I can write a good chapter, at least, so that's what I'm going to do. For all you wonderful beautiful people.

Secondly, this fic will be ending soon. *applause from crowd* I toyed with making it long, but it's already so flawed, and I've got so many other projects going on, I'm going to have to start cutting some nonessentials out. Sorry, Jady fans, but Meet Cute  is a nonessential. Forgive me!

Third and finally, I have a practical plethora of fics you dear, dear people should read instead of my trash. Just PM me and say something like 'Yo! Gimme some of dem good Fanfiction you promised, man!' I promise I'll deliver if you promise to comment on those fics saying 'HASHTAG PICKLED PEPPERS'. Deal? I know it's hard for SOME of you to vote. 😉😤

That's all in relevant news, now for news about where I've been, what I've been up to, etc. Feel free to skip over.

I've been having a hectic time lately. So, each day, I get up at five in the morning to cruise Wattpad, talk to some of the wonderful Wattpadians, edit Sylvia Dragonheart and all that good stuff. I usually fall asleep at some point. At seven, I have to leave for school. "But Liz," you ask. "Why not update then?" Lemme ask you a question. Do you really want to read stuff that I wrote at five in the morning? Didn't think so, peasants.

Then, it's eight hours of mind numbing boredom. (For the record, my GPA is a 3.683, and I'm second in my grade. Idiots, all of them) Then, after stumbling out of art class, it's a wild dash to my locker, towing my stuff through the 7th and 8th grade halls. FYI, it always smells like too much deodorant in there.

I get home, hop on Wattpad, and furiously work away at roleplaying, talking to my friends, or again, editing. Then, after about an hour of peace and quiet, my sister decided to be, and I quote, 'more involved in my life'. The girl's thirteen! Bloody leave me alone!

So, yeah. That's the majority of my life right now. Live long and prosper, my cute little dragons!

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