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I trudged into Three Bean this morning. My head pounded from lack of sleep, and my eyes automatically strained from studying too hard. A groan escaped my lips instinctively as I remembered my exam was still a few days away, which meant more studying. I was sure to fail, which lead to my not getting accepted for an internship at the Half blood Hospital. I slumped against the counter.
"Will, man, you look terrible." Austin commented as I ran my fingers through my already messed up hair. I knew it, too. He scrubbed at the coffee maker one more time and pushed the lid down. I sighed.
"Hey. Yeah, I've been staying up all night for gods knows how long studying. And to think that this would end when school did- if I don't get everything on that medical exam, there's no way I'll get an internship at the hospital." I stressed. Austin nodded sympathetically.
"Sorry, bro. You sure need something strong today to wake you up. I'll make you something. On me."
"Aw, thanks. You're the best." I smiled wearily. Fatigue was clouding my eyes and my mind already, and I yawned. This couldn't happen- I needed to study more, I wasn't as ready as I hoped I would be by now. Nico was standing at the cash register again this morning. He had been quiet the whole time, and I almost forgot he was there. But, as always, I couldn't. I looked over at him and he turned away a little, but then he reached over and touched my arm, trying gently to get my attention. I jumped, startled despite my dead tiredness. He mumbled something, sounded like an apology. I just nodded, unsure. Then he spoke up.
"Um, Will. You're studying medicine? Uh, my boyfriend, Aaron, he works at the hospital. He just had to take that exam... if you want I could schedule something at my house and he could.. help you study? He always likes helping people, he wouldn't mind." I knew Aaron worked there- I worked there too. But not as a doctor. I took into consideration that that was the most Nico had ever said to me after the memory incident. It was also the nicest. I sucked my breath between my teeth and considered it. It would be nice...
"Really?" I asked to make sure.
"No, I lied." Sarcasm dripped from his voice.
"Thanks. I think.. I will do that. Thank you, Nico." He looked up again, as if surprised that I even remembered his name.
"So, tomorrow night, then?" He fidgeted with a string on his apron.
"Sounds good."
"Will! If you even want to stay awake till then, get some rest!!" Austin called from the back room.
"Can't.." I yawned. "Have to get back to work." Shrugging a goodbye, I smiled as I left the coffee shop, feeling relatively refreshed momentarily before another wave of exhaustion blew through me and I almost collapsed. Thank the gods for Austin and his miracle mocha mix. It was dam good. I slipped back into the hospital and around the front desk, where I worked as a secretary.  Gods.  I felt so useless.  I sat behind the counter, unable to show any of the actual doctors my medical talent.  I was the youngest- none of them had known me in school.  If they had, I probably would've been a head doctor by now.  It was agony waiting behind the counter for patients that wouldn't come, so even though I felt practically dead, I pulled some of my flash cards out and started reviewing them.  I struggled to keep my eyes open, and all I could see was the blur of my lashes.  Each blink felt like I was lifting a thousand pounds.  My hand dropped onto the desk, scattering the cards, and my head fell down soon after.  I hit it pretty hard, but I didn't feel it, considering soon after my eyes closed and I dipped into a deep sleep.
I dreamt of Aaron.  He was chasing me around with a knife and demon horns, screaming at me not to touch Nico or I'd be dead.  Ridiculous, I know. 
I frowned as my eyelids fluttered open.  I was in one of the spare bedrooms for patients.  My boss was going to kill me!! I practically leaped out of bed, then fell with a thump.  I hadn't slept in weeks- no wonder it was taking such a toll on me now.  My legs were weak, but I managed to stand.  A minute later the door flew open, Frank standing in the opening.  His shoulders sagged with relief when he saw I was okay.  Frank worked with me at the front desk, and I trusted him. 
"Sorry, man.  You fell asleep and I know you've been studying for ages, and you needed rest. You've been in there all night."
"All night?! What time is it?" I asked frantically.
"Only 5:00. PM. No worries."  He shrugged, and I stiffened.  I had to be at Nico's soon, which meant the walk home was going to be more of a run home.  I was still exhausted from my studies, but I needed to work harder, and if lack of sleep was the price, I was willing to pay it.  I thanked Frank and clapped him on the shoulder before leaving, jogging home and changing.  A few splashes of cool water to my face refreshed me, and I tried to look a bit less tired and messy for when I left for Nico's.  After slipping into a pair of jeans and a baggy sweater, shoving the image of Aaron running after me out of my mind, and fixing my hair one more time, I gathered my study materials and left home.  I was at Nico's door in less than a minute.  I knocked, and the door seemed to screech louder than usual to announce my arrival.  I swallowed my nervousness down, but it barreled back up when I saw the boy in the doorway.  Tousled dark blonde hair, deep, navy eyes.  He had tanned skin, and wore a thick sleeved tank top.  If this guy had longer, curlier hair and lighter eyes, he might look just like me.  Creepy.  He smiled at me.  I smiled back.
"Hey, Will."
"Hey, Aaron."


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