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Soon enough I came across a little town.  I was dead tired and my legs were screaming for me to stop.  My stomach killed with hunger.  Eventually I had to rest, so I took advantage of my messy look and knocked on a door.  It opened a second later and a pretty redhead about my age appeared. 
"Hi." I started weakly.  I told her my story, leaving out the details about being a demigod and looking for a cure.  She ushered me in.
"Gosh. You look exhausted, and must be starving.  Why don't you stay for the night?" At that I abandoned all doubts about her and welcomed the offer.  "I'm Hannah.  You're lucky you came at the right time.  My parents are out this week for business, so I'm alone here.  What's your name?"
"Nico." I shook her hand. She had a firm grip.  I smiled and looked around. There were paintings on every wall.   "Did you do these?"
She nodded, obviously pleased.  After eating she led me to a spare room and I thanked her before passing out on the bed, clothes and all.  Morning came and I woke up earlier than usual.  There was a short bang on the door, and Hannah called me for breakfast.  We ate, talking, and she gave me her number.  I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't have a phone, so I told her I'd call and tucked the number into my backpack.  I swung the door open, thanked her again, and stepped outside.  I walked a while, feeling fully rested, and stopped when I came to an alleyway.  I turned in a full circle, realizing I didn't know where I was.  I considered going back to Hannah's, but I didn't know the way.  I could call Will.. but what good would that do? Then everything went black. 

I felt a sharp pain on my head, and tight grips on my arms, pinning them to my sides.
"Hey, loser.  Everything you've got. Now." An older teenage boy snarled at me.  He had ragged white blonde hair, and no muscles whatsoever.  A ripped teddy bear hung from his belt.  His brutes, I assumed, worked for him.  They held my arms tighter.  I kept my mouth shut and swung my leg out, whacking one of them in the shin.  My hair fell into my face and I sneered menacingly at the scrawny boy in front of me.  He didn't falter for a second.  Dam.  The boy who held my right arm dropped to clutch his leg and I used my free hand to grab my fallen backpack and fling it at the other boy.  He dropped me in surprise and I ran, struggling to put my backpack on.  Not to my surprise, they chased me.  Luckily I had experience with being chased, and didn't tire.  Soon enough we hit another town and I marveled at how fast I was moving.  I almost laughed at the thought that without these thugs chasing me I would've gotten here a lot slower. 
"Hey! Get back here!" The blonde called. I darted forward and weaved through buildings.  They followed, and I ducked into a shop and pulled myself behind a counter.  After a couple minutes I slowly rose to my feet and came face to face with a lady with green and blue hair. 
"What'll it be, honey? You were right to come here, you need some color in your life." What? I looked around. Oh great. A hair stylist.  There were people in chairs,  colored bottles lining the shelves, and everyone who walked out had hair of every shade of rainbow.  I groaned and started towards the door.  "Sweetie, the chairs are that way.  Have you made up your mind?"
"Ma'am, I-"
"That's ok, you just sit here and tell me when you're ready."  She pushed me into one of the chairs.  I stared to get up, but her firm hands pushed my down by my shoulders.  "It's perfectly alright to be nervous, but change is good." She smiled.
"Miss, please, I'm not here for-"
"Ah, don't worry.  That's ok.  I'll surprise you." She beamed and wrapped a black cloth around my eyes. 
"Woah!" I shot out of the chair, only to trip and be directed back to the chair. 

I fiddled with my new hair.  The red streak kept falling in my eyes, and the yellow kept catching my eye.  I did like the blue, though.  The green, the orange, and the purple were more towards the back, so I didn't see those much.  She had given me a trim and kept it black, thank gods, but had added rainbow streaks all over.  I groaned again. 


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