Episode 16: Blood

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I laid back on the bed, looking at Richard. His eyes bore into mine. Was I ready for this? Yes, and no. I wanted to have sex, I have wanted to have sex for a while now... I just didn't envision it happening like this. Sure, Richard was a great guy, very nice... and not to mention the amount of money this man has. But I wasn't a very materialistic kind of person. So that didn't really matter to me.

"Baby, I can't wait to be inside you." His voice low, and deep as he positioned himself on top of me.

I smiled up at him.


I turned to look at the door, waiting for it to bust open, and the demon furiously staring at me. It would kill both of us, leaving no trace behind.

"What do we do?" I asked Jade, I turned away from the door. She had locked it, not that I thought that would stop a hell bent demon.

"I don't know yet; I'm still processing everything. Chelsea, that thing... that demon, the way it was looking at you. It was looking at you like a starving person looks at a hot plate of food. Like it wanted to eat you. Devour you." Jade said in a low, and shaky voice.

I gasped. "We need to barricade the door."

"You're right, let's move my dresser over in front of it." Jade rushed toward her dresser drawer. I followed her and helped her push the heavy wooden dresser in front of the door.

When we got the dresser in front of the door, we backed up and both sighed at the same time. I looked at Jade and shook my head.

"I don't know if that will even hold a demon back... how strong are they?"

"I have no idea; I'm guessing they are pretty damn strong." Jade looked at me with wide eyes.

We both just kind of stood there and waited for the demon to try and knock down the door. A minute passed, then another... and another. Nothing happened. I backed up and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe it's gone. Maybe it decided not to mess with us." I said.

Jade turned to me and gasped. "Or maybe it wanted to trap us here because it was going after—"

I gasped. "Carrie."


Then it was over. I lay beside Richard, fully naked. I pulled the covers up over me. I didn't like being naked. I wrapped the covers around me and stood up and walked around the room, trying to find all my clothes.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

"I need my clothes."


I glanced at Richard. "I don't want to be naked anymore."

"Baby, but you're so damn sexy." He said in a low voice.

I found my clothes, and ran to the bathroom.

I didn't care how sexy I supposedly was I didn't want to be exposed for much longer, and I wanted to go home. I threw my clothes back on, and my shoes. I was ready to go. My purse was on the counter top. I grabbed it and snatched my phone out of it. Maybe I can call a Taxi to come get me. Use mom's credit card, something. I just wanted to get away from Richard. Something about tonight had me feeling off. Something wasn't right.

That's when I heard the loud banging. Richard was banging on the bathroom door.

"What are you doing in there. You need to come back in here, naked."

"I'm freshening up. I will be back in a minute."

"No! now!" He started to yell at me.

I needed to get out of here and I needed to get out of here now. He was starting to scare me. I didn't know what he was capable of.

I noticed the window to the left of me was quite large, I grabbed my phone, threw it in my purse and ran to the window. I unlocked the window, and lifted it up. The cold night air hit me in the face.

That's when I heard the screaming, Richard screaming...but this time, it didn't sound like he was yelling at me. It sounded like he was in pain, frightened by something. I turned away from the window. Should I go see if he's okay. What if someone broke in and is hurting him? The screaming stopped.

I walked away from the window, slowly. I walked up to the door, grabbing hold of the door knob, twisting it slowly. I opened the door and stepped out into the room.

I screamed. Blood was everywhere. I looked up at the ceiling, blood covered it.

So...much blood. My high heels protected my feet from the thick blood covering the carpet. I could hear the sloshing sound as I took another step.

That's when I saw it.

It was staring right at me, it's mouth covered in blood. It had done this. I looked down and noticed it was standing over what was left of Richard. His abdomen was ripped open, intestines thrown from his body, blood everywhere.

I backed up slowly, the thing was still staring at me. Its eyes locked on nothing but me.

I backed up slowly and ducked into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and ran to the window. I crawled out the window and landed on the fire escape. I let down the ladder, and climbed the rest of the way down.

That thing was sure to follow me. So I tried to be as quick as I possibly could. Once I got down to the ground. I really didn't know what to do next.

I just started running.

As I was running, I grabbed my phone out of my purse. I forgot I had turned it off. I turned it back on and waited for it to get started. I unlocked the screen, and noticed that both Chelsea and my mom had text me and tried calling me.

I called Chelsea.

She picked up on the first ring.

"Hey! Hey, are you okay?" Chelsea said, screaming through the phone.

"No....I mean, yes. I am okay. But Richard... Richard is dead." I said in a shaky voice because, I was still running. I glanced behind me, I wasn't being followed. But I still felt as if I were.

"Dead? What happened?"

"The demon, I remember it now. From Danielle's party. It's back...it's probably the one who was been talking to us on the Ouija Board. One of the ones we have been talking to. I don't know but it killed Richard."

"Oh my god. Where are you?"

I looked in front of me. An old diner. "I am at Helen's Diner. Well in front of it. I ran, Chelsea... I ran as fast and far as I could. I didn't want it to follow me. To hurt me too."

"Just go into the diner, it won't hurt you in front of a lot of people, it knows better than that. We will come get you, we will figure out a plan when we get you, together."

"Okay. Bye love you."

"Love you too."

I lowered the phone, and hang up. I walked toward the diner, hoping I would be safe here.

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