Rias Gremory x brother male reader x raped asia

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Your Rias Gremory little brother and your here to make sure everyone follows her command, Your sacred gear allows you to use holy weapon( your weapon looks like the king dedede hammer from smash bros 4)And You got up for a class of water one night you heard screams of pain coming from asia's room.

*You get your hammer and run towards Asias room you see something you never expected*
Whimpering Asia "issei stop it it hurts"
Issei" you said you wanted it now I'm giving to you MY way"
Y/N: "HEY"
*issei pulls out and looks at you*
Issei: Y/

( just replace luigi with issei and your king dedede, stop video when the star appears)
* you run toward asia*
Y/N:Asia ar e alright.
*Starts crying*Asia : Why Y/N Why did he do this Why?"
Y/N: "Because he's a pervert."
Asia: Y-Y/N
Y/N"Yes Asia?"
Asia: Can I sleep in your room?"
*As you and Asia walk towards your room, you realize you have to tell rias about  what happened*
* The next morning *
Y/N: Morning Asia

Y/N and Asia:crap

*you put on king dedede's robe,hat and grab your hammer and you and asia go down stairs and see that rias WAS PISSED and you see a really hurt and smirking issei*

Y/N; "Yes rias"

rias:Issei tells me you raped asia last night and when he tried to stop you hit him with your hammer is that true Brother "

Y/N' 2 things, 1 yes i hit issei with my hammer and 2 no i did not rape asia, in fact issei tried to rape asia and if i hadnt stopped him he would have kept doing it without us knowing so i have no regrets hittin him with my hammer"

*rias looks at issei looks like shes about to cry*

Rias: is,is it true issei?"

* Issei trys to say something but nothing comes out then he decides to do some stupid. He activates his sacred gear and charges you catch him with one hand"

Asia rias and issei"How!?!'

*light chuckling* Y/N" you forget im the brother of Lucifer"

*you get him out side and when issei gets up he charges at you with all his might, but you activate what is basicly king dededes final smash 

and when your done you hit issei so far he will ever be see again*

Y/N" we are now free of that damm pervert"

Rias: "yo-you just got of issei" * runs up and hugs you*"THANK YOU"

Y/N" i thought you be mad?

Rias: "Truth is I always hated him for his perverted actions and with him gone i can do something I've always wanted to do" *kisses you fully on the lips*

rias" i love you little brother, more then a brother but as a lover"

*  Asia rushes up, pushes rias away and kisses you* Asia: I love you also"

Rias and asia" we both love you can we be your girlfrends"

Y/N: Sure why not

Merasmus here for a few things

1.sorry this took so long i was really sick

2. I had writers block 

3 I decided to make the reader have almost look like king dedede but be human because i use dedede when i play smash and i played alot smash when i was sick.

next time on the requset book the vote results


@ ignore this

Request female or female gender-bent characters  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now