Yandere Fem anthro smaug x male ranger reader

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You are a ranger that is immortal that has lived in erebor  for the past five years your were assigned to be the king Thror personal guard  and his son prince thorin trainer. You found the job both exiting and boring, it was exiting because you lived in a mounting fortress and served the most powerful of the dwarf lords, you were called the Giant of the dwarfs be cause you were seven feet tall wand wielded a mighty sword. But it was boring because no one dared attacked erebor, But when the king was spending more and more time in his vault the more you grew concerned about his well being. But for now you and another concern if yours. Guarding the front enchtrances, that when you hear a sound of a hurricane.

Y/N: "Lord thorin what is happening"

Oakingsheild: "Theorin sound the alarm, Y/N go protect my father NOW"
Y/N:YES sir
You run off
Thorin: "What going on"
Oakingsheild "dragon" "DRAGON"

While you were running, you heard the dragon breakthrough the door, and you new you had to get the king out of here but by the time you got to the throne room the king was gone and the arkine stone was also gone.

"oh no"
You run towards the treasure room and you could not believe it, not only did that Dragon look strong, not only did he look powfull , BUT HE WAS ACTUALLY A SHE

And. Damm she was beautiful, but your duty to do come first and right now you and thornin had to get the king out of there and now. While you were dragging the king away the Aton fell out and was swallowed by the sea of gold and you saw the dragon beautiful eyes again and you could have sworn she winked and you and said "we will be together soon my love"

(171 years later at the secret entrance to the castle

Y/N: me and Bilbo will check it out, ok my lord

Thorin: As you wish Y/N"

as you and Bilbo walk towards the treasure room you look at Bilbo

Y/N: Bilbo i know you have the ring

Bilbo looks at you worried

Y/N don't worry Bilbo i don't want it

Bilbo sighs in relief

Y/N i have a plan ok since you have a smaller chance of getting caught you go grab the stone and if things get dice put on the ring and run if she starts talking to you just keep running ill deal with her OK.

Bilbo agrees and p he walk towards the sea of gold he start climbing the hill picks up a cup, some gold falls and eye of smaug appears.

under your breath Y/N:shit

quickly Bilbo puts on the ring and run and Bilbo runs by behind a pillar

Smaug then wakes up

(she basical sounds like this)

She looks around the corner and looks at Bilbo

Request female or female gender-bent characters  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now