male demoman reader x female junkrat

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You were red teams demoman and your sent a letter from overwhatch, they we're challenging you to a drinking contest.
Engie"Y/N we need you "
You run downstairs with a bottle of scrumpa
"what you need engie, I'm in the middle of something"
Engie "you know those guys from overwhatch?"
Engie"we'll they just challenged us to a drinking contest"
"What's the prize?"
Engie" 1 mill plus a bet"
"What's the bet?"
Engie" if they win, scout has to go on a date with someone called tracer,if we win you get to Pick a girl to go one a date with you"
"Well your in luck, I'm sobered up and ready to drink"
Engie  "alrighty then, I'll just give them my response "
Engie then calls Winston to tell him that they accept and they be there my next week

You were walking down the street looking for the building when you bump into the women up top
"Sorry lass, here let me help you up" you offer your hand she accepts and you pull her up
???"thanks what 's your name?"
"I'm Y/N mctavish and what's your name pretty lass"
Junkrat"my name is junkrat and I'm part of overwhatch"
"Speaking of overwhatch I need someone to show me the way there"
Jr(junkrat) "I'm just heading there myself come one I'll take you there"
While you were waking towards overwhatch hq you realized she only had 1 leg
"Ummm junkrat if don't mind me asking, what happened to your leg"
Jr" oh I stepped on a land mine"
An hour later you arrived at there hq and you saw the speedy Brit.
Tracer"oh Y/N how's it going"
"Good good, so where's the contest at ?"
Tracer" at our mess follow me"
You follow tracer to the mess and see your team and your Opponents team
Reinheart: " we meet again demoman are prepared to lose"
" I'll have you know I've got alcohol in my blood "
Reinheart:"as our guest you can choose the beer"
You knew exactly what beer your going to drink
"We're going to drink scrumpee"
Reinheart" al right lets go "
After 99 bottles of scrumpee later you were about to finish the bottle when reinheart passes out drunk
"Ahahahahaaaaa looks like I'm still the best, also to rub salt in to wound

After the song, you passed out, 2 hours later you woke up in your room
Medic: Ah good your awake, there's someone here to see you, come in fralein"
Junkrat runs in and hugs you tightly
Jr:"I thought you died" (starts crying)
"Shhhhh, it's ok it's ok"
She then jumps on top of you and kisses
"What did you that for?"
Jr"because I love you ever since I laid eyes on you"
She then snuggles into your chest and falls asleep
"And I love you too"
You then fall asleep



Request female or female gender-bent characters  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now