Bear fannus male reader x neon lemon

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It's been 1 year since your fight with sun and currently you were just whatching neon lose to team rwby alone with 50 of your dollars.

Mr peach:"team rwby"
"Dammit well there's always next year"
You went down to the girls locker room to meet your girlfriend neon.
Neon" hey y/n"
" hey neon sorry about you losing"
Neon:" it's all good now lets go get something to eat I'm starving"
Time skip to chibi y/n separating chibi Blake and chibi neon
Now you and neon running throw a burning city looking for Blake
"First we'll find Blake then we're going to nearest port and heading for my parents house"
Neon" alright"
As you too keep looking for Blake, you here the sound of a person you never liked.
???" Running away again"
Whispers" oh no"
Neon: whispers"who is that"
"Adam fucking Taurus, leader of the white fang, stay here I'll take care of this"
Adam" is that what you've become my love"
You crouch down behind a bush seeing a scared Blake
Adam:" a coward"
"I'll make you cower in fear of me"
Blake turns and see you and you pu your finger on your lips
She nodes and turns back to Adam
Blake:"why are you doing this ?"
Adam:" you and I were going to change the world remember!'
You rev up your tommyslav
Adam" we where destined to light the fires of revolution"
Adams see an injured man an prepares stab him"
Adam:"consider this the spark"
Adam turns and sees you as you begin to fire
Adam try's to defend but a stray bullet hits him in the nee and crouches.
She turns to you"
You and Blake run and met up with neon
Neon " you have some explaining to do"
You nood and keep running to the port"
TIme skip brought to you by chibi neon sleeping on chibi Y/N
You get off the boat with neon (who's is sleeping on your back) black and that dirty,filth monkey sun (A/N get the reference win the prize for your own request)
Sun:" wow"
You look around at the market and you see neon is just as well shocked
Sun"I've never seen so many fannus in one place before"
Blake:"this is the one place where everyone can feel same, no matter who or what you are"
Sun:" sure seems crowed"
"Yes sun yes it does "
Neon:" where are we going"
"To my parents house"
Time skip brought to by chibi y/n putting chibi sun in a headlock
The four of you walk up to your house and black pauses before nocking
"What's wrong sis?"
"It's been a long time since I saw mom and dad"
Neon:" I came all this to see my boyfriends parents there's no going back"
Blake:"I hat it when you right"
They took a step back
Sun: " ok if we're being honest, that's kinda intimidating"
The door opens and see your mom
Molly :"Blake,Y/N"
Blake::"hey mom"
Molly then hugs her
Molly: "my baby girl"
Molly:"look how much you've grown, you look like your father"
???: "Molly who is it"
Your father shows up and is shocked on who it is

Everyone is know having tea
Molly:" we were horrified when we heard the news. The kingdom of vale wasn't perfect, but it didn't deserve to be attacked. We were so worried"
Ghira:" haha please with her brother around, she would be fine"
Molly:" that's not true, you should have seen him pacing"
Sun: " you guys have nothing to worry about, I've seen your daughter in action before, and trust me she's got some moves"
Blake nearly jokes on her tea while you and Ghira give son a death glare
Ghira" and what exactly do you mean that mr wu Kong"
"Yes sun please explain to my father on what you mean"
Sun" I uh you see sir"
Molly" before you guys kill this boy, let's address the other fannus in the room"
Everyone looks at neon who leaning on the side of your stomach
Neon" my name is neon and I'm your sons girlfriend"
Ghira  looks at you with a look of pride while Molly looks like she's about to cry in joy"
Blake"wow look at the time we must be going to bed"
Sun took the couch while Blake took her old room and you and neon enter your old room
Neon : "hey y/n I have to tell you something"
"What is it?"
She pushes you down and rips off your clothes and her's as well.
Neon" I'm in heat"
Neon" let's just skip the fore play and get to the main event"
She sits on you and starts to fuck you
Neon: "oh y/n fuck me like the slut I am"
20 minutes later
Neon: "y/n I'm about to cum"
"Me too"
You cum into her .
Neon" wow even after our journey you still are the best- wait"
She curls up on your belly and passes out
"Good night my little pussy cat"

MERASMUS HERE AND HERE IS PART 2 of the neon X male reader story  of now back to pirate rwby
Oh and before I go, here is a beautiful Russian orchestra


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