Ex -agent south x little brother agent male reader x big sister meta part 1

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you were part of something called project freelancer.Everbody knows about you being the little brother of agent Maine and as tall as her.  your armour looked like Jorge's from reach and your weapon was  basically Jorge's mini gun. Right now you were waiting with north for wash.
North "so how are things with my going?
"Honestly, it's shit."
North"whys that?"
You see wash walk by
Mind"oh thank god"
"Hey wash"
You and north run up to wash and you start walking on wash's right side.
North" I heard you had a meeting with internal"
Wash"oh you did?"
North"Mind if I ask you what's it about?"
Wash"not supposed to talk about it"
North"Come help me out here, I'm still getting heat for using equipment in the field"
Wash"you did?"
North"I had to improvise, we had a bit of a problem"
Wash "let me guess, are you related and S/N(state name) dating the problem?"
North"ok now I don't to talk about it"
"And I don't want to talk about her"
Wash"what's up with him"
North" him and my sister seem to be fighting"
You see some soldiers running towards the trains area, one of them bumps into wash
Solder"sorry sir"
Wash"hey what's going on, wears everybody running to?"
Soldier"new agent, squaring off against maine,York and Wyoming in the training floor(turns to his buddy's ) hey guys wait up"
North"3 on 1?"
"Against my sister"
Wash" I got to see this"
The three of you run towards the training floor
"I hope that rookie knows what he's doing"

Com" begin"
You run up to the window and see your sister, Wyoming and York being hit back with a electro staff
Carolina" what's going on down there, there's no training posted?"
South"it's been ok'd"
Carolina" who the hell is that?"
South"some new recruit"
"She's doing very well, even though her opponents don't seem to work as a team"
Wash" he sure doesn't seem like a recruit"
South"why do you assume it's a guy!?!"
You put your hand on south's shoulder"
"Calm down wash didn't know"
South pushes your hand off
"Don't touch me"
Carolina" can it south, s/n I want to see you after this fight"
" yes ma'am"
You watch the three of them get brutal destroyed in hand to hand and pole staffs
Com"point Texas , hand to hand combat complete, now resetting the flour for lockdown paint simulator"
Wash" I hate the paint"
South" Tell me about it, stings like a bitch"
North" turns your armour hard as a rock"
Caroline" S/n and I wouldn't know, doesn't hurt if you don't get hit."
Wash" thanks I'll try to remember that"
"Smart ass"
You watch as York try's to get the other two to work together . After 6 rounds of losing.
You see your sister and Wyoming use live rounds
Wash" ARE THEY USING LIVE ROUNDS!?! S/N YOU GOT TO DO-(notice that your gone) where did he go"
Your running down to the training floor , when you get to the barrier, Carolina grabs your back.
Carolina" where do you think your going?"
"I've got to stop this before someone get hurt"
Carolina" well you can't get in tell it's over, besides we need to talk"
You turn around and see that she took off her helmet.
Carolina"what's going on between you and south"
You turn back towards the arena
"She's become more abusive, saying I put my sister's needs over her's"
Carolina" so you care more about family then your own life"
" yes because, she always took care of me"
You were about to say something else when you hear a explosion
You see Wyoming and Maine on the floor and York, every body runs towards York and Wyoming , but you run towards your sister with the medics. A medic try's to help her, but is pushed away. You go up to her and hug her.
" sis why would you do that?"
She doesn't say anything but you get the idea, you help her stand up.
"Please, don't try that again"
You see the director and he seems pissed"
Director"YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELVES, I expect you to work as a team"
Wash" they sled live rounds into the training flour, that's against regulations"
The director just snaps at Washington and everyone else backs away
Wash" So your not punishing them?"
Director" ingenuity and adaptability are admiral traits, you should all learn something and I think agent s/n will deal with agent Maine right?"
" yes sir"
Director" dismissed"
TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY chibi Female Maine cuddling with chibi s/n
You were being briefed on the mission
Director:" agents your mission today is by far the most important taking to date. As our number 1, Carolina will be leading from the field."
Carolina" ok, here's what we have"
She bring up a hologram of a city and a building that is 110 storys.
Carolina" As you may have heard, there is suspected insurrection activity in this area. Our Intel says that members of the UNSC loyal to the insurrection have acquired a high-level asset(brings up the building) and are holding it in this secure location. It's a 110-story building in a urban environment."
Wyoming"What does security look like?"
Carolina" they have enough troops to fill a 110 story building."
Wyoming"So that's a lot of security."
Carolina" We're up to it. Our job is to infiltrate the building, work our way up to the floor where the sarcophagus is being held and secure it."
North" The sarcophagus?"
The director"that is what we're calling the primary objective."
Carolina"But since this a high level asset, we need to access a key code to open the sarcophagus."
Wash" I'm guessing they don't keep that just tapped to the side?"
Carolina" it's held by an official of the program, who will be moving in a vehicle along the freeway between inspections. Thats when will hit the facility. We need to acquire both targets within minutes of each other.If we fail that the remains target will enter lock-down and we miss our window."
Director" we will not have another chance at this."
Wash"so that means two teams?"
Carolina" two teams, team A will consent of me, S/n, wash and Maine. We will work on the package's storage facility. York  is still in the infirmary, so Wash, you'll have to pull lock picking duty."
Wash" Um,okay, guess I'll reread my field manual in the transport"
You hear the door open and see York of all people
York" Hey don't be so quick to give away my job."
Carolina"I thought you were in the hospital?"
York" According to their records, I am"
Carolina"how's your eye?"
York"it's okay, docs are letting me out tommorow."
Wash" tommorow, huh?"
"When we see that Tex chich, you need to thank her for saving your life."
York" I will, I will, right now, all I need to worry about is lock picking"
Director" it's settled then, York will join team a and get them into the facility."
Carolina" transport will be two lightly equipped pelican drop ships."
Pilot" were rigged for fast running only, people. NO heavy armaments."
" Guess that means I'm bring my buzz saw"
Wash" You have a buzz saw?"
" no it's a M739 squad automatic weapon"
Carolina" Team b will be North, Wyoming, and CT. You will act as recon for team A and once we enter the building, You will disengage to attack the freeway.North will lead team B."
North" got it"
Ct" what about agent south?"
Director" agent south will not be accompanying you on this mission. Her recent actions against agent S/n have put her in a" questionable" position"
Ct" and where's our new recruit? Will she be joining us?"
Director" That's enough questions, Connecticut."
Ct mumbles something but you couldn't hear.
Carolina" team b should be simple. Stop the vehicle  and grab the case. Team A, you have more of a challenge, mainly the sarcophagus is unknown"
"How will we know what it is?"
Carolina" it will have these markings"
She brings up symbols unknown to you.
North" I saw those same markings on the oil platform."
Director" correct, that facility created the primary objective."
Wash" do we know what's inside it?"
Director"yes, we know."
CT" how do we know what's inside it, but not know what's inside it?"
The director just glares at her
CT" sorry sir"
Carolina" we have a job to do people. Let's do it right and come home safe."
Director" that is all , you are dismissed."
Your flying a pelican towards your objective when North radios in
North" team a you look clear. Window is open. Start your clocks. On my Mark,mark
Carolina"roger that, team a is moving"
North"copy that Carolina, good luck team a"
Carolina"thanks, we won't need it"
The 5 of you land Infront of the building and head inside.
Carolina" we're in, York get up here, how long to crack that lock?"
York"Should take a miunte, give me 15 seconds"
He goes up and looks at the lock
York" wow is that holographic, that's high end"
Carolina" can you get through it?"
York" of course I can. You didn't bring me along for my good looks,did you?, who ever designed this is a genius"
Alarms start to go off.
Carolina" you were saying."
York" ok I take it back' whoever designed this is an asshole."
"Or your just bad at picking locks"
York finally gets the door open
Carolina"thanks York, do something about that alarm, we don't need anymore surprises."
York" does saying sorry count as something?"
She just glares at him.
York"guess not?"
Carolina" we'll secure the package, set some trackers and then find us a way out of this."
York" moving"
You walk around the room looking around the room with all the weapons and you see your sister looking at something.
"Whatcha find? "
She picks up what looks to be half knife half  grenade launcher.
" that's a good luck for you"
After 5 minutes of looking you found what your looking for
Wash" boss I have good news and bad news"
Carolina" hit me"
Wash" good news, we found what were looking for."
Carolina" and the bad news?'
Wash" there on that"
He points to a crate as tall as him
Carolina" now how are we going to get that to the roof?"
They book look at you and your sister
Carolina" come here you too"
You walk over to a window washer and help Carolina put it on the  window washer"
" ok now what?"
Carolina" now this should work you two are the only ones heavy enough for this"
Maine" too hard"
Carolina"oh don't be such a baby"
She pushes her off the edge.
"For the record, you owe me"
Carolina" I know"
She shoots the cable
You thought you were going to die when you feel something catch you. You open your eyes to see your sister
Maine" you alright?"
"Thanks sis I owe you one"
She lets you down and you both turn around to a few warthogs and and four guards
G1" stop or well shoo, shoot you."
G2" uh were going to need bigger handcuffs"
G3" is that a knife?rifle? a knifle?
She pull it out and cuts them all in half
" was that really called for?"
Maine"no but it was fun"
You see red lights
"Umm lets grab a, sis?"
You see your sister in front of the garage in a warthog
Maine" hope in"
" you always were on step ahead"
You jump on the gun and she floors it
"Slow down sis, the building isn't collapsing"
You turn around to see the building not only collapsing, but see wash York, Tex and Carolina falling.
"Karma's a bitch isn't Carolina.
Maine" she gets what she did"
She continues to drive when York and Carolina fall in and hang on for dear life, you hope into the passenger seat.
York" Are we in a car!?!"
" fancy meeting you two here"
Carol gets on the gunner and York is hang out the side.
" sis next time were in a car, I'll drive"
Maine"says who"
York and Carolina" we do"
York" how about I drive you can sit on s/n lap
You were about to say something, but were cut off when she sits on your lap
Maine" usually, it's the opposite way around"
Carolina" let's see how team b is doing(radios north) team b, report team b.
North" team b is down, we have wounded and are taking fire"
Carolina" we'll be right there."
North" negative, get the package' get out of the city"
Carolina" roger that"
York" reading team b's tracker. Okay, there he is. I got him."
Carolina" we'll cut him of at the over pass. Go!Go!"
You guys stop at the over pass
York" ok here he comes
Carolina" Maine, take your brother and get the package "
Maine" on it"
You go to side of the bridge, you then jump with Maine on two the car. You land on the back while she lands in the front
The guy looks scared, Maine pull out her new gun
Maine" knife to meet you"
And stabs him. The car stops and she grabs the case.
Caroline and York pull up
Caroline" nice work you too"
You and Maine " thanks"
York" subtle as always"
You get in first  and   She just hangs on the side.
York" response team is probably on its way"
Carolina" then let's get the hell out of here"
York "hang on"
He start driving and doges traffic when you hear sounds of hornets"
Caroline" here they come"
You see two hornets with a guy hanging on the side, he  and 2 others jump down and activate there jet pack. Caroline swings the gun around and let's it rips while Maine gets on top and fires her grenades off. 1 guy goes on to a flat deck and starts firing
Caroline" Maine, protect the brief case
You hear a sniper rifle a sniper rifle and Maine go down
You see a motorcycle being chased by two warthogs. The drives does a 180, pulls out a rocket launcher and fires at one of the warthogs and through the occupants into different directions. The other crashes into a car. The driver then goes up a ramp, fires the last rocket at a hornet, destroying it and throughout it away. She then destroys two mongooses.
Caroline" Punch it York"
York" it's punched"
One guy flys over and starts to fight Carolina, he pushes her back, steps on marines back and takes the case. Carolina the then kicks the guy and gets the case
Carolina"got it"
Then she's kicked in the side buy a buff man. Buffy pulls out a battle rife and tries to shot her in the neck , but you shoot him in the foot with a pistol.
York" hold on"
York throws the guy off and into a truck full of barrels. Maine starts to stand up.
" you sure you can do this?"
Maine" I know I can do this"
She then stands up and mr buff throws a barrel at her but it hits the front, tearing the gun
York" will you quiet throwing shit at me"
You see the sniper
" on your left on your left"
York hits the truck and sends the guy flying, he try's to fly up to your jeep but Maine sends him flyingback
" nice shot"
York pulls up to the side and Maine jump on
York" watch i, watch it"
You watch Carolina and Maine fight the two, so you decide to throw caroline the brute shot
She catches the gun , then starts dogging bullets like the matrix and stabs the guy with the knife end."
Dead guy" oh come on" he throws a pistol the guy fighting Maine and he catches it. He then uses the pistol as a club and hits her twice, he then does something that will scare you for life. He grabs your sisters helmet and fires into her neck, he then grabs her and throws onto the deck, she tries to get up , but is held down and the guy fires Into her neck 11 times
You and Carolina" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Carolina then jumps on the guy and tries to stab him, you jump on to the truck and run to help Maine but when you run up to her she's reloading her grenades, the puff guy fires at her causing her to hit the back and the truck to swerve. Trailer hits a car and sends everyone in to air. Caroline  tries to grab the case off Maine's  back but she lands  in York's jeep with the case while you and Maine bounce into a truck and are sent flying into the ocean
You grab her and  but yourself between the ocean and her. You bounce a couple of times before landing on a beach. You land face up where she lands on your chest. You notice she's knocked out
"Well, at least she's can't feel any more pain"
You notice a pelican. So you picked her up bridal style when the pelican lands and carry her into the ship and fly her to the med bay.

5 hours
They were prepping your sister for zero-g surgery and you were watching from the window with wash, currently, they were taking off her armour.
"12 bullets"
Wash" what?"
"She took 12 rounds to throat and yet somehow she still managed to get up and fight, then survived a truck hit and a landing"
Wash" wow"
Director" agent s/n"
You turned and see the director in a medical suit
Director " agent Washington your dismissed I need to have a private conversation with agent s/n"
Wash" yes sir(turns to you) see ya"
You and the director were staring at your sister
Director" you know she'll never speak again"
Director "Luckily, agent Carolina has volunteered to give her Ai sigma to help Maine communicate."
" as long as she's ok with it"
Director" and you will be giving rho, the only female Ai fragment"
"Thank you sir"
Director" I'll leave you alone now"
He starts to walk away
"Don't worry sis I'll will be by your side, no matter what"

MERASMUS HERE AND BOY THIS WAS ALL DONE IN 1 hour now I have to start part 2 now by the way this was me and thenick5o idea ok MERASMUS OUT

Request female or female gender-bent characters  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now