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I am not fake!
I wake up to go to school, * hell hole * ughhh I don't wanna go. I haven't spoken for 5 weeks. Ever since what happened. He lied. She left me.
5 weeks ago.
" I don't like you like that " he said, my whole body froze. " you know you could have told me that before you started this bullshit? I didn't force you to like me. You put yourself in this situation. You now what hurts more? That you where the first one I've ever felt like this about. And here you are telling me you never liked me. I'm not good enough ain't I ?" I stare into his green eyes. "I'm sorry... I like Selena" he says. Selena my best friend ? Why? Now this teaches me a lesson and serves me as a reminder. He took a taste of me and didn't like me....

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