chapter 9 the news

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Adam POV
***one week later***
I notice tommy was in the bathroom when I got up he was showering I went in the bath room to see him getting out I brushed my teeth then kissed him good morning he had no shirt on just pants I smiled down at him as I had his small body in my arms he then pushed me away feeling sick to his stomach

Babe are u okay?

Yes Adam I just felt a little sick that's all

Are u sure kitty?

Yes baby boy I'm okay its probably what I had ate last night

Yea probably

If you still are sick we are going to go to the doctors later


Tommy decided to stay home instead of going out today I'm so sad my poor kitty sick he stop throwing up so that's good in think he been wanting Mexican food so I had to get him Mexican food wow he sounds like if he was pregnant wait the last time and one week ago the condom broke wow one week should I tell him that it broke those 2times


Sorry kitty what was u saying?

Adam did you use a condom ?

Fuck should I tell him now I started to talk

Um yes Tommy but the second time and from last week the condom broke

What the fuck adam you should of told me

Sorry tommy I just remember since you know you been sick

***phone rang***


Is this adam?

Yes who is this?

I'm a nerse that cares for you aunt I'm sorry to inform you that's you aunt killed her self her funeral is next Tuesday

I started to cry as I heard that tommy looked at me worried but still angry

Okay thank u for informing me

***call ended***

Tommy walked closer to me and hugged me

What's the matter baby boy?

My aaunt killed her sself I cryed harder as I said those words

Aww baby its gonna be okay I'm gonna get you some sweets and I'm gonna use the car

Okay I'll go warm up are food herry back I really need u tommy

I know I'll be back

Okay kitty I said drying my tears

Tommy left I layer in bed for a little then went downstairs after 30 minutes since tommy left to warm up then food I wonder what's taking him so long he is probably on the way he might still be mad at me

**30 more minutes later**

I was setting up the table when tommy walked in crying

Hey kitty whats wrong?

Your leaving and here

He handed me a paper I read it to see that..

Oh my god kitty your pregnant I ran to him and started to kiss him as I picked him up and sorry kitty I know I have to leave but I gotta leave for 5 months with my family I'm very sorry kitty

Its okay I'll call you every time I go the doctor

Okay kitty

Babyboy I'm hungry

Oh yes sorry kitty sit down here and I'll give your food

Okay thank you

Me and tommy started to eat

So when do u leave Adam?

This Sunday I said with a sad emotion

Oh okay adam

I could see he wanted to cry so I walked over and kissed him he got up I looked down at his stomach and touched it

I can't believe are baby is in you

Yea me to Adam he said with a smile and grabbed my hand pushing me away I'll clean this up

No tommy you go upstairs put in a movie I'll be up there soon

Please Adam

No now go


I giggled as I heard tommy do that and act like a child going up the stairs

**3days later**

I kissed Tommy and his belly goodbye since I won't be back into 5 months

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