I woke up and looked over and didn't see tommy I got up a s went to the bathroom to get ready when I came out I hard him talking on the phone I went downstairs to see him sitting in a chair. Turns out he was talking to pink telling her that he will see her soon then he hanged up and had to go to get dressed I made him something to eat and tooked it upstairs that's when I heard him crying the crying was coming from the bathroom I walked in to see blood on him.
Tommy: it hurts Angela coming it hurts bad Adam help me please
I ran over to him picked him up ran outside put him in the car and went full speed to the hospital thank god no cops seen us because then we would be pulled over I ran inside with tommy in my arms that's went doctors put him on a bed and took him to a room they told me to get dressed in a hospital gown so I could be with Tommy. Of course tommy can't push he is getting a c-section. When it as over and Angela was out of tommy all you could hear is her cries and tommy trying to stay awake. Tommy ended up falling asleep so I picked Angela up and gave her..her first bottle in the room tommy now in I sat on the chair with are baby the doctor put a small bed near tommy for the baby.
Tommy: Adam Angela so pretty let me see her
Adam: she has your beautiful chocolate brown eyes and my ginger hair
I walked over to tommy and placed Angela in his arms. Tommy started to cry.
Adam:pretty kitty why are you crying?
Tommy:(sniffing/sad voice) she is just so beautiful I can't believe we made her
Adam: Aww babe you don't have to cry and yes we made her she is ours forever will be are Angela Delarosa Lambert Ratliff what are a cute nickname we are gonna give her?
Tommy: her name is Angela so imma call her my little angel
Adam:Then imma call her Angie
We had to stay in the hospital 3 days for tommy to recover. Then we went home with Angie. He had her in a dress. (A/n like the pic below)
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