So its been a week since I asked Tommy if he would want to marry me since Angela going to my moms today and tommy sleeping I went to buy him a ring. I'm taking him out to dinner to give it to him and pop the question. I know we only been together 1 year and 2 months but I want him forever and we already have a daughter. Maybe its time to make him mine forever. Well I got him a sliver ring with lots of diamonds. I think he would love it but also tell me I shouldn't have got him a ring this beautiful. He deserves the best and the most beautiful ring even if it cost a little to much.
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I got the small box's black but when you open it...its blue. I put the box with the ring in my pocket and went to my car. I got in the car to head home. But before I went home I bought some breakfast for me and tommy. When I got home tommy was still asleep thank god I can hide the ring I put it inside my bedstand table he can't go in it anyways it locks. I put are breakfast in plates so its better to get to I put are drinks on the side. Then I woke tommy up.
Adam: Pretty kitty time to wake up
Tommy: (half asleep) why? 5 more minutes (closed his eyes again)
Adam: I got you breakfast you go to sleep its gonna get cold
Tommy: food!! Okay okay im up
I laughed but tommy got up and went to brush his teeth he came back to the room and sat down to eat.
Adam: Tommy are daughter is with my mom i took them this morning because I wanted to spend the day with just you and also later we are going to dinner. Then take a walk around the park
Tommy: okay sounds fun but can are daughter come home at night you know imma miss her
Adam:sure baby
What he doesn't know is that my parents are gonna be at the park holding a banner that says would you marry me? and Angela gonna have the ring under her blanket. Since she is are daughter
Well Adam told me to get dressed since we are going out to eat I'm dressed up a little classy but not to much I brushed out my hair. I went downstairs to find him dressed up with roses in his hand I blushed a little
Tommy: what are the roses for?
Adam: To give them to the most important person in my life
Then he handed me the roses and gave me a kiss.
Tommy: thank you
Let me put them in water. I walked back to the front door where adam was standing and we left to the restaurant. We got are table and sat down. We ate and had random conversation. Then we went to the car to go to the park to walk around. When we got to a bench.
Adam: Do you trust me?
Tommy: yes I do
Then he put a cloth over my eyes so I won't see
Adam: Just give you hand and I'll tell you where to go
Tommy: okay
I'm scared at this point we walked for a little more then stopped Adam took of the cloth from my eyes and there stood his parents and his brother his brother was holding angela and his Parents where holding something it looks like a banner. They opened it and there was the question would you marry me? I looked over at adam he got something from under angela blanket got down on one knee.
Adam: Tommy Joe Ratliff this past year and 2 months have been amazing we have a beautiful daughter would you make me the happiest man and marry me?
Tommy: (tears falling down) yes yes a million times yes
Adam put the ring on my finger and pop pulled me in for a kiss his parents started clapping and his brother was screaming get em adam wooo I giggled and gave them all a run. Then we heard a sound from behind us and there it was paparazzi with a camera they recorded everything that just happened.
Adam: Are y'all serious? (With anger) get the camera away from us.
Then he grabbed my hand I grabbed angela and he started pushing people out the was his parents and brother right behinds we got in the car and went home thank god they stopped following us when we got home are boss called us.
Are boss: congrats on the engagement. And don't worry I will have security guard next door from you. I bought the only house a cross the street where tommy use to live.
Adam: Okay thank you
Tommy: so your saying there gonna follow us everywhere
Are boss: no y'all could call them if you need them
Then he gave us the house number and then main guards number. That was an amazing night even if people went to mess it up. I put angela to bed after giving her. Her milk then I went to the room bath room and started to take a shower to hands wrapped around my waist. And started to wash my body
Adam: I missed this.
Tommy: what do u mean
Adam: just showing together and having music play
Tommy: (turned to face adam) I love it
we kissed and finished showering then went to bed.