chapter 12 our day out

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Tommy POV

I woke up to the smell of food and flowers Adam just doesn't get tired I'm so happy last night me and my baby boy watched movies all day I slept or are through all of them I had to call Adam because I can't get up on my own this belly of mine makes me feel like I'm carrying 4 baby's when its only a baby girl my Angela Lambert so Adam helped me up and took me to the bathroom so I could do my morning routine I been wearing Adam's shirts mine are small on me but when i have the baby it won't be small I can't wait to have mine and Adam daughter in my hands I walked down stairs and sat on the chair in the kitten and went on Twitter all I seen was #is tommy pregnant? #whats tommy having? #How is he gonna give birth? #Is Adam the other father to the baby? It got me so mad I showed Adam so he tooked my phone post a picture of me and him hugging as he is holding my belly it says are baby girl Angela questions would be answered in a interview

Interview?? I said confused

Yes Tommy we have a radio interview next week everyone wants to know about you and are Angela

Wow a interview

Then he kissed me and smiled saying happy 1 year anniversary

You too baby boy

So Tommy we gonna go to the tattoo place I'm gonna get are daughter's name then we gonna go to the beach for a while after that we are going to the mall to get more things for the baby after that it home and bed time and during the day when you are hungry let me know

Wow sounds fun and you know I will

Me and Adam ate are food then left so Adam can get are daughter's name done when i walked in I got a little dizzy from seeing the blood Adam kept saying sit down and look away but I wouldn't listen so I passed out Adam was already done his tattoo when I passed out when I woke up I was in the hospital the doctors said I'm okay I just need to be careful because I can lose the baby after we left the hospital me and Adam went to the beach we sat next to a rock with are feet in the water when we were done I fell asleep so Adam tooked me home then left to the mall to get the baby somethings when he got home it was already 7:30pm so we watched a movie

**1 week later**

Me and Adam was at the interview I got a bad pain so we got done with the interview and he took me home to rest I was resting for 2 weeks because I had got sick but now I'm okay I'm happy because I'm going on 6 months next week then 3 months and Angela will be here with me and Adam I can't wait to have are little angel in my arms

A/n if I forgot any pictures on any chapter please comment the chapter number  also go read  the new teacher by emo_kitty_

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