chapter 17 Date Night

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2 weeks later
Adam POV:

So it been 2 weeks since tommy had that dream I'm starting to worry because he wanting to much sex I had to tell him no at the moment he's not talking to me but I have a surprise for him we are going on a date night first we are going to the carnival then to a restaurant after that to the movies so he could forgot about that dream. Right now I'm going upstairs from making breakfast for tommy and me and getting Angela bottle ready. Angela happens to be 1 month today it feels like yesterday she was born. 

~time went by~

It is now time to take tommy to the carnival Angela with my parents and my brother. My brother just had a baby so now he has to watch two babies at least he has my parents help tommy upstairs he haven't left the room all day I want upstairs to the room tommy was laying there.

Adam: Kitty get dress we are going out

Tommy: Leave me alone I dont want to talk to you

Adam: if you don't get up and get dress I will pick you up and dress you myself Tommy


~NO ONE POV~ warning sex up ahead

Adam went to the bed side picked tommy up took him to the bathroom put him down held his hand turned the shower on pulled tommy to him. Tommy didn't have a shirt on so Adam wanted to tease him but didn't he got on his knees took off tommy  pants to find out that tommy excited he looked up at tommy reddish face then took tommy underwear off he grabbed tommy full length and started to rub on it he got up still touching tommy he looked into tommy eyes.

Adam: Now your gonna listen to me (I stop touching tommy) get in the shower

Tommy:Adam please keep touching me please


As tommy was in the shower Adam took off his clothes and got in behind him he didn't notice adam turned him around and started to kiss him then he let his hand slowly go down his body to grab tommy length once again he let out a moan he started sucking on tommy neck as he thrust on tommy length slowly then with speed

Tommy:I will l-listen ahh if y-you n-never l-leave me e-excited again FUCKK ADAM that feels good

Adam: okay deal

Adam left a love mark on tommy neck and started leaving kisses all over tommy when he finally got to tommy cock he looked at tommy. Tommy eyes were full of lust he was also biting his lip looking down at adam. Adam then started to lick tommy tip tommy let his head fall back with a moan adam then put tommy full length into his mouth and sucks faster and faster every time tommy grab a fist full of adam hair as he moan louder


Tommy moaned as he cummed into Adam mouth. Adam got up clean off his mouth picked tommy up and slowly pushed himself into tommy.Tommy let out a moan in pain

Adam:Always remember take the pain take the pleasure I'm the master at both my dear pretty kitty

He put tommy down got under the water that all this time been running he soap his body to get tommy to watch. He tired the water off picked up tommy and carried him to the bed he put him down got on top of him then got on top of Tommy while looking into tommy eyes he pushed himself into tommy slowly at first the picked up his past he pulled out before cumming tommy put adam length in his mouth and sucked faster and faster


tommy licked every drop off of adam the layed back Well no carnival today adam thought to himself he got up and started getting dresses tommy followed when they were done adam took tommy to out to eat they talked about random stuff went to the movies after watched a movie then went to pick up Angela after there exciting fun night they put Angela to sleep changed into there PJs and went to sleep Here themselves. 

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