Unforgiving Rain

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Breathing in the sweet air i practically taste the fresh raindrops as they soak my thin summers dress. A shiver runs down my back as I smile up at the unforgiving sky that is making my walk home so much harder than usual.
It is not a very long walk but quite a lonely one. No one ever really dares walk through this part of the forest for they are frightened by the towering trees that block out most of the sun making the shadows cover every part of the uneven ground. The very ground I am trying not to trip over. Unlike the others the shadows do not scare me much anymore. These shadows have done nothing to me unlike the ones in my head. Those I wish I could avoid. Cast away.
I stumble over a root that is sticking out more than the rest but surprisingly the ground is not as hard as it looks. Rolling over onto my back allows the fat droplets to harshly attack my face.
I sigh. Closing my eyes I imagine those eyes that captured my heart. As dark as the clouds in the sky bringing with them just as much storm and grief. Yet they could look so soft sometimes almost caring and loving. Giving the promise of life and happiness instead of how they make me feel today.
Death had started to look quite a nice option.
Is this how I want my life to be or at least what is left of it. Filled with constant sadness and unfulfilled wishes.
I smile up at the sky. A smile that spoke of hope for a better life after this one of warmth and kindness. I smile up at the sky with all the love in could muster all the love in was never given I now give to the dark sky as it keeps crying over my broken body. Only if it could see how much more I was broken on the inside than out maybe then it would consider just swallowing me up.
I stay on the cold ground for what seems like minutes but I know it's much longer. I do not sleep I do not move I do not eat. Then finally my eyes start to close slowly. I lost feeling in my limbs long ago so I just let myself float into the darkness.
I can feel it this is a sleep I am not going to wake up from not as if I really want to wake up. The last thing I feel before I completely drift away is the smallest rays of sunshine dancing on my frozen face making a eternal smile grace my lips.

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