Chapter 6 - Family

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"Alison..." Lucas looked at the blonde in front of him shocked that she was there.

"Hi Lucas," she said smiling at him. "It's been a while hasn't it. I wanted to see you since we haven't talked in a while so that's why I'm here."

Lucas sighed, "Did my mom send you?" He turned towards his door and opened it. "I don't want to deal with this."

"Lucas you have to come back home," she said trying to get a hold of him but he brushed her off.

"Don't talk to me, I can't go back there," he said before slamming his door.

Lucas waiting until he knew that Alison had left before he let himself drop down to the floor and cry. It had been a long day but because he was with Riley he knew that it was worth it but now the confrontation with Alison had taken away all of his fighting power. He didn't want to deal with his family after everything that had happened, he only wanted to be happy with what he had at that moment.

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Riley sat in the cafeteria with Maya thinking about Lucas and how they had gotten away with him being in her room the day before. She really couldn't believe that she had done something like that even if they were only kissing one another, but for her that was something new.

"You're thinking about him aren't you?" Maya asked breaking Riley away from her thoughts.

"Yeah," she sighed. "He took me back to my dorm yesterday and we talked and he kissed me," she felt her face flush at the reminder of Lucas in her room with his arms around her.

"You guys did it didn't you?" Maya said straight faced.

"No," Riley yelled standing up in front of everyone in the cafeteria. She said down again hoping that she hadn't attracted attention. "We didn't do anything but kiss, anyway we just started dating why would we already start... you know..."

"Yeah but it will happen eventually, because you both really like each other. It's only a matter of time until it happens."

"Yeah... maybe one day," Riley sighed at the thought of their relationship going so fast. Between the job, Lucas, and now having friends she felt blessed but also overwhelmed because she's never had to rely on others.

"So, since tomorrow is Saturday that means you're going on a date aren't you," Maya said smiling at her.

"Yeah, we decided to go to the movies and hang out," Riley smiled at the thought of going on her first real date. She wondered that if her parents knew that she was branching out would they be proud of her.

"Here take this just in case," Maya said as she dug through her pocket. "A girl should always be prepared."

In front of her was a gold packet and it took Riley a minute before she realized that Maya was giving her a condom. Her face flushed and she could feel her ears burn but she couldn't take the packet from Maya at all.

"Riley take it," Maya said. "Come on hurry up and take it before someone sees."

Riley felt her whole world tilt but Maya put the packet in her hand and smiled. She understood what Maya was doing for her but for Riley dating was something new, she didn't know what to do and sex at this point wasn't an option because she wanted to take it one step at a time. She didn't even know what people did on dates, would they go to a sporting event, did she wear sporty kind of clothing. She didn't have anything girly with her because she hadn't thought to bring anything like that when she had moved to the school. She had been scared when it came to dealing with people so she didn't think that she would ever get to the point where she had friends or a boyfriend.

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