To a New Beginning?

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Hey Guys im not sure about this chapter I'm not on my game at the moment buy hope you like to. Thanks for the reads comments and votes!! :D


I knew it. As soon as Ashley turned up, my relationship with Samantha is falling apart. Do I love her? Do I love Ashley?

“Babe can we talk?” Said Samantha. I knew it, it’s all over red-rover. We walked up to my room and sat on the bed. “Darcy. I’m so sorry but. I just don’t feel the same way about you anymore. I’m so sorry”. “I’ll grab my things and be out of here”

“Are you sure?” I said

“Yes Darcy, I’m Sorry”. Sam gathered her clothes and packed her bags. I helped her carry them to her car that was parked in my garage. She gave me her keys to my house and drove off. I wont lie, I did like Sam but even though she broke up with me, well I have to say I’m glad it was now and not later when we were seriously involved.

I sent a message to the girls letting them know that Sam and I aren’t together. They al replied saying am I okay and did I need them here but really I was fine. Disappointed and a little shocked but I can still function. I walked down stairs to see Ashley standing there with her clipboard.

“Put the clipboard away, you knob” hhaa I said jokingly

“Um why did ahh Sam leave with her bags?”

“Um we broke up!”

“Oh really I’m so sorry”

“Don’t be, its not your problem, she just doesn’t feel the same way I do” “so yeah” I said while receiving a big hug from Ash.

“Retail Therapy?” Ashley asked

“Lets go” I said while laughing at Ashley’s Comment. “You drive Ash!” we walked out of the house and hopped into Ashley’s Mercedes and drove into town. As we were driving the radio was playing and Nicki Minaj’s song Stupid Hoe came on. We both just laughed. We were laughing so hard that Ashley nearly ran off the road. We arrived downtown when it was just on dusk. We decided at we should get something to eat. Since Ashley is new to this area I took her to the best Sushi Restaurant in the bay.

 Wow. I didn’t realise how much I actually liked Ashley. We have been friends going on 8 years and nothing more than friends. I payed the bill and we left back to he shops. After a few hours of shopping we went home on the drive home we were singing and dancing in the car being stupid like our normal selves. We eventually arrived back at the house, when in the garage Ashley said to me

“Darcy, I Love You”. Those 3 words have the biggest impact on life. No matter how many times you say it will still give you a little buzz. I have to admit I did love her.

“Ashley, I just broke up with Sam”

“Darcy I’m so sorry” she said franticly fussing around. I grabbed her hand and said to her

“Don’t be sorry for you feelings. I appreciate you being truthful with me, I really do” on the note we walked inside and started to unpack your little spree into our wardrobes. I have to admit I do love Ashley, I always have but I just don’t know how to tell her! Will I use those 3 words? What will happen? How will she react? Why do I have to be such a sucker for love? It actually drives me crazy but anyway.

The next day came along as soon as the other one left every sunrise looks exactly the same. I have been up at the crack of dawn. I decided to run out the feelings of yesterday and just well I don’t know, released the endorphins, to be honest it actually worked.

I walked back inside to see Ashley in the conservatory with a cup of tea.

“Morning Ashtray” i said. This was a name I have been calling her for years. As much as she hates it, it gives me a kick.

“Fuck you Arsey Darcy” she replied

“God the relationship we have just makes my day!” I said while making my tea.

“Okay now, down to business, I need you to plan my beginning of summer barbeque.”

“Who, What, When and Where?”

“Well obviously here, in a week and well all my friends and well I guess invite your friends too.” “Well I’m off to pick up some supplies, wish to join me?”

“Sure why not. I can plan in the car.”

We set off down to the store to get a few things like stupid little banners, balloons, streamers and well all that stuff.

“Music?” asked Ashley

“Well I’d like to have an orchestra playing down under the band stand by the lake, lights in the trees, white swans in the lake and Fountains in the rose garden”

“Done and dusted, when we get home ill give this to Maria and she will pu it together.”

“What do you want for lunch Ashy?”

“Well Ass Hole, how about salad?”

“Sounds like a plan Bitch” I said with laughter

“Well are we calling names now?” Ash asked

“Well it seems that way now doesn’t it?” I said we both laughed. We headed over to a little café to have coffee. The coffee was the best, but by far the view well that’s was incredible. By the way I’m talking about Ashley!

The week went by quite quickly. It was 2:00pm and my friends started arriving, I made room in the garage for Andy and Stephen, Laura, Tilly, Tara and Cassie to all park in the garage. I heard a rumble coming up towards the house. I have heard that rumble before. I looked outside to see if I was right. I sure was, it was Riley and her friend Jack, well when I say friend I mean you know ‘bed buddy’.

“Riley” I shouted as I made my way out of the door. Glad you could make it” I said with a smile on my face.

“Thanks for inviting me” she said in reply

“Well your friends now so of course you would be invited” we both smiled and I showed her out to the back garden where everything was taking place. People were around the fountains, through the garden, taking walks around the lake. It was just magnificent. The tables were so well made, all praise from my opinion. White tablecloths, silver cutlery, white and red roses as table ornaments. It just looked incredible.

I found Ashley over at the bar

“Ashley” I called she spun around to see me with two glasses of champagne in my hands. I signalled her over  in which she received.

“Can I help you?”

“take this glass and I’ll introduce you to some friends of mine. “Andy and Stephen, this is my dear friend Ashley”, “Ashley this is one of my best friends Andy and her Boyfriend Stephen.”

“Ashley and I had had a few drinks when she started be become what I would say would be a little well drunk.

“Right that’s enough for you missy” I pulled the drink away from her and took her inside. She was stumbling around quite a lot so I decided that I will take her to her room. We were trying to get up the stairs when she fell over. We both were just laughing. There was no way she could walk any further. So I stood up and hoisted her up over my shoulder and carried her up to her room. I sat her down on the bed, when she leaned over and kissed me. She sat back and giggled. That would have to have been the best kiss of my life.

“I want you Darcy!” she said

“Ashley, your drunk” I said

“No really, come here” I sat down on the bed when She grabbed my crouch. I quickly grabbed her hand.

“Ashley No, I will not take advantage of you, you are drunk”

“But I love you” she said

“You will regret this in the morning, I’m telling you right now.” She pouted and lied back and was asleep as soon as you could say ‘Abrah-card-abrah’. Out like a light. Down stairs the party when on for hours. I said goodbye to my immediate friends and went to my room and went to sleep.

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