The Walk of Shame

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Hey Guys this is my second chapter!!! hope you like it         Be kind!!!


I woke up to the sound of Sam’s alarm. She was up already and had made breaky. I put on  my clothes and came down stairs to Sam sitting on the stool facing the ocean. I walked over and planted a kiss on her forehead and sat next to her.

“Tea or Coffee?”

“tea thanks” “Thanks for breaky”

“My treat” Sam replied. Giving me a sexy grin

I walked out of Sam’s house only to be watched by her neighbours, which really seemed pretty creepy with them knowing that yes Sam had a visitor and yes its was me, a man and yes we had sex, in the same clothes as last night. I made a quick dash to my car and raced home. I had 30mins to get ready after having breakfast with Sam, all I had to do was have a shower and get dressed. I came out of the shower running through my walk-in pulling out my red dress shirt, a black sweater, a black scarf, my dress pants and shoes and then my favourite Trench coat. Quickly chucking my clothes on, I had realised I had left my watch at Sam’s.  I picked up my phone and dialled Sam.

“knock, knock, knock” “Coming” I said as I raced down the stairs. I swung open the door and Sam was standing there holding my watch.

“I think you left this at my house?” Sam said as a greeting

“Hahaha thanks Sam, I had a panic attack when I was like WHERE IS MY WATCH?” “Come in, Come in” “Can I get you anything?”

“Um a kiss?” I walk over and gave her a bog snog.

“Beep, Beep” “get a room you two” yelled Cassie. I turned and gave her the finger while im still kissing Sam. “BEEP, to you to”  I heard the sound of Cassie’s car drive away and I decided that it is time to head to school.

“Car pool?” I asked

“Mine or yours?” asked Sam

“Yours it shall be then” I yelled like knight that is about to joust. Sam laughed

“You’re a knob” “no wonder you are on the committee”

I went back in to grab my keys and headed out of the door. We arrived at school with stares. I told Sam she should just park in my spot save her having to park so far away.

“What are you knobs looking at?” I said to our group. We all laughed and everyone headed inside as a group, so I followed in pursuit with Sam on my arm. We walked in just as the bell.

“I’ll see you at the break” “in the auditorium remember”

“Okay, see you then spunk” I gave her a husky look and walked into Psychology of the Childs mind.

The day went so fast; I made my way towards Sammy’s car. The others were all leaning on their cars and so was Sam she was having a chat with Andrea.

“Nice to see you guys getting along” I yelled from across the car park. I squeezed in next to Andrea; I leant over and gave Sam a quick kiss.

“Well come on then, lets go” I said “I have a surprise for you” I said while smacking Sam on the butt. We made our way to her car and hopped in.

“Are we going to your house first?” Sam asked politely

‘Sure are”

We drove up through the gates and along the drive. We pulled up under the roof going out over the front door so we were parked close.

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