The Party

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Hey guys here is chapter 8 hope you like it


We jumped into the car and headed out of the estate, turning left onto the main road. Obviously Ashley was driving, because of my broken arm and leg.

“I can see why you love this car so much” Ashley said

“What do you mean baby?” I asked

“Well it’s a beast, it drives so smooth, and well your up so high” “Meaning that you can see everything”

“I know what you mean you knob” I said letting out a little laugh. With in 20 minutes we arrived at Ashley’s well now only Mums house. I thank god that her animal of a father is behind bars.  

We drove up the drive and parked outside the main doors.

“Mummy” Ashley screamed

“Ashy” she screamed back from the front door.

“Mummy look” she screamed putting up her hand showing off her two carat diamond ring.

“Aaahhhhhhhhhh my baby’s getting married!” she screamed. BEEP! Ashley turned around

“Hey babe, remember me?” I asked with a tone of sarcasm. She rushed back and helped me out of the car.

“Oh Darcy” Ellen said walking over to me. “Welcome to the family!” she said giving me a hug, being careful not to hurt me.

“Thank you!” I said.

“Come in, Come in” said Ellen. We hobbled inside and sat in the lounge next to the kitchen.

“Tea, coffee?” I heard Ellen ask

“Tea, Please Ellen” I said as Ellen put the kettle on. ”So whens the wedding?” Ellen asked.

“Mummy, we just got engaged, like last night” Ashley said with a little laugh

“So I was wondering if you know if the baby is a boy or a girl?”

“We are keeping it a surprise” Ashley and I said at the same time. Ashley turned to give me a smile. I placed my hand over and put it on the obviously pregnant stomach.

“It’s kicking” I yelled. Ellen rushed over and put her hand on Ashley’s belly.

“Oh wow, its okay baby, nanas here!” she said. Ashley and I both burst out into a laughing fit.

“Shut up, you two” Ellen protested in self-defence

“Chill mummy its cute and funny” Ashley said. Ellen shot us a scowl

“Teas, ready!” Ellen called. I hobbled into the kitchen and sat on the lounge chair next to Ashley. Ellen placed the cups and the pot of tea on the table and sat to join us.

We ended up staying for dinner, which was definitely worth waiting for if you know what I mean. I took my medication and hopped into the passenger seat of the car. I was half asleep by the time we got home. I slid out of the car, with the help of my beautiful fiancé Ashley, and hobbled as fast as I could up to the bathroom. I had a shower and slid my way under the sheets and laid there snuggling into Ashley. She rolled over nearly landing on my arm.

“I Love You Darcy!” she said

“I Love You too baby!” I whispered back into her hear placing a kiss on her nose.

I awoke to Ashley gone. I hopped up and went straight into the shower, as I can’t function with out my morning shower. I dried my self off and walked down the hall and into the office.

“Darcy” Ashley said

“Morning lovely” I said leaning over to give Ashley a kiss.

“I’ve got a surprise for you tonight.” Ashley said with her cute little English accent.

“You know how much I hate surprises” I said

‘Year well you will like this one, its nearly as good as the surprise of the sex of our child!” She said

“Okay well what’s the plan?” I asked

“Well you will be up here all day, then at 5 you will get ready. The clothes will be on the bed so it is easy for you. And well I will come up and get you when I’m ready for you to come down. She said

Before I knew it my alarm went off and I went into my bedroom and got changed. I sat there on my bed looking out the window, I turned to see the door swing open and there was Ashley standing in a long flowing ankle length dress.

“Come one Darling lets go” she said. I hurled my self up and reached out for her had. She met me half way.

“I Love You” I whispered looking into her eyes. I gave her a peck on the lips and we went out the door.

As we came down the stairs, I heard people cheering and clapping making a fuss. When we got to the bottom of the stairs there was a big banner saying ‘Congratulations Ashley and Darcy on your engagement’ I bowed my head in embarrassment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone running at me. It was Sarah! One of my friends I went to school with in Australia, way before I met Ashley during my move to the UK.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I heard Sarah scream she ran over and gave me the biggest hug of her life


“God you haven’t changed, not even one bit” I said returning the hug “Careful of the ribs” I warned

“Sorry” Sarah apologized

“Woooooooooo” I yelled as everyone walked outside. As we walked outside, the garden was lit up with white fairy lights, and a big tent.

As the band played, people started to leave after all the commotion this night has brought.

“Thankyou for coming” I said to everyone as they were leaving. When everyone left there were people there packing everything up outside. Ashley and I walked up stairs to meet Maria who was in tears.

“Oh Congratulations, you guys are family to me!” Maria said with her Italian accent.

“We love you to Maria!” we said giving her a group hug

“Oh I’m so happy for you” she said while walking down the stairs. Ashley and I entered the bedroom; she turned to me, looking deeply into my eyes.

“I LOVE YOU” she said with a smile as she kissed me. The Goose bumps covered my body, as she ran her hands all over my body.

We took two steps backwards, standing right next to the bed. She reached around and un-buttoned my shirt, as it fell to the floor she unbuckled my pants. They hit the floor as I unzipped her dress. I bent down and kissed her belly. When I stood back up, she nudged me towards the bed. I laid there watching her come over me. She climbed up onto the bed and sat next to me. I leaned over and kissed her. I felt her hands slip into my underwear. She gripped my baby-maker and started to move her hand back and forwards, gradually getting faster. I let out a moan. It felt so good! Faster and faster he hand went, back and forth. I felt a wet sensation on my knob. I looked down and saw Ashley with it in her mouth. I let out another moan my moaning gradually grew louder. “oh, oh, SHIT, Yeah” I moaned as I reached climax.

Ashley ran her tongue up along my body, over my abs and past my pecks. She reached my neck and started kissing it. My cock slid in. I let out another moan. I heard Ashley moan as it entered. I pulled out and went in a little further, Ashley moaned again. I felt her hands roam my body, she grabbed it and pushed it in, all the way

“OOHHHHHHHH, YES” she moaned loudly “Yes, get on top”. We rolled over and I pushed in as hard as I could with my broken arm, legs and ribs. It hurt but the sensation felt so good. I pulled out and kissed her all the way down to her vagina, I gave it a quick lick. I could see she liked it because she shivered with the touch of my tongue.

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