Hey guys here is chapter 9, hope you like it.!! :)
I woke to the feeling of Ashley rolling out of the bed. I would be guessing that she is going to the kitchen to get a drink, which is what she usually does, during the middle of the night. I put my head back down and slipped back into my deep sleep.
The Sun came shining in through the window, blaring into my eyes. I Jumped out of bed and headed out of the room, as I walked around the corner I saw what I hoped I would never see. It was horrific I was terrified!
“ASHLEY!” I yelled racing down the stairs. She lay there motionless, bleeding from the wound on her head.
“MARIA” I screamed. Maria came running out of the kitchen.
“Oh my god!” she screeched
“MARIA, CALL 911” I screamed, I saw Maria run back into the kitchen. “Ashley, stay with me, stay with me baby! ASHLEY!” I pleaded I lay there sobbing with Ashley in my arms.
When the ambulance arrived, they picked her up and placed her in the stretcher, they were calling random words to each other, which had me really worried. I cant believe this, she has walked down those stairs so many times even in the pitch black, why now, why Ashley, especially now that she is pregnant with my child. The paramedics ran towards the ambulance, ushering me to hop in.
I felt the ambulance jolt as we took off down the road, sirens a blaring, swerving to avoid collisions with other cars. It was 15km to the hospital. I could hear the paramedics in the back with Ashley, taking to each other, giving each other instructions. I could see them wrapping a bandage around her head, and the other one placing her hand around her belly I would guess trying to find the baby.
With in 10 minutes we had reached the hospital, Ashley was still un-conscious which really made me nervous. They pulled her out of the ambulance and rushed her inside to waiting nurses and doctors. One of the nurses grabbed my arm, I flung my arm out of her grip.
“Sir, you can’t go there!” she said. Another nurse grabbed my arm and this time I didn’t resist. I stopped and wept as they took her into theatre.
“Sir, can we ask you some questions?” I heard one of the nurses ask.
“Um yes, sure!” I said in response to the stupid question.
After the nurses and doctors asked me all these questions, it was just a waiting game. It felt like days that I was waiting, like days on end, I looked at the clock and it had been 3 hours since they took Ashley into theatre. One of the nurses made her way over and handed me a cup of tea and some biscuits.
“Thankyou!” I said in a quiet voice. It was nice that she gave me this because, well I wouldn’t say that I’m not hungry but I bloody well am. But I cant leave to get something because: 1 I don’t have my money, 2 I cant leave because they might bring Ashley out, and 3 I have no clue where to go.
I walked over to the nurse’s station and asked if I could borrow their phone. I dialled the number of my house. It rang and rang until I heard Maria’s little Italian voice answer.
“Jacob’s residence” she said polity.
“Hi Maria, its Darcy!” I said
“Hi Darcy, how is Ashley?” she asked in query
“I’m not sure she has been in theatre for a few hours!” I said with a sound of doubt. “Hey Maria, could you do me this biggest favour in the whole world?” I
“Anything!” Maria said
“Well can you go into my room and pull out some clothes that I could wear around the hospital, pack my wallet, phone and glasses, could you also bring Ashley’s Handbag.”
“No worries” she said
“Oh and Maria, Don’t drive your car, Take mine, the keys are on the rack.” I insisted.
“See you in 10” she said and hung up.
I was waiting on the chair in the room, I heard a pair of small heels walking down the halls, Maria, I knew I had heard those heels before. Its such a relief that I have Maria here.
“Darcy, she called as she came through the doors and onto the ward. I walked out of the room and over to Maria, I wrapped my arms around her.
“How is she? Do you know?” she asked
“Um no” I said as she handed me my backpack and Ashley’s handbag. I walked over to the bathroom and got changed into what Maria had brought me from home.
I slipped off my pyjamas, and slid on a T-shirt, a hoodie and a pair of track pants. I walked out to see Ellen, sitting there talking to Maria.
“Darcy” she cried rushing over to give me as hug. I lowered and returned the hug. I could feel the emotion that had been bottled up inside her for a long time, just flow out.
I walked Ellen over to the chairs and sat there, Ellen had asked those questions that the nurses like, how did it happen? What time did she fall? What time did you find her? How did she land? All those questions that I really wanted to avoid. After 6 hours in theatre they wheeled Ashley out on the bed and took her into a private room.
Ellen and I rushed over to the door almost knocking over a table next to the door. There was Ashley, lying there, her chest going up and down in sync to the beep on the heart rate thingy. Oh I don’t know what its called, so I just decided to call it the thingy. I walked over and held Ashley’s right hand, Ellen was holding Ashley’s left hand. We both had tears in our eyes. I heard some footsteps walk into the door
“Excuse me, I’m sorry but visiting hours are up!” an old nurse said in a polite voice.
“I’m not leaving “I said
“But Si….” I cut her off
“I’m not leaving” I said a bit more forcefully this time. I saw Ellen hop up and make her way over to me. She bent down, gave me a hug and a kiss on the side of the cheek.
“I’ll be back tomorrow!” she said. I said nothing in reply; I really didn’t feel like talking. I have done enough for today I thought to my self.

'Meeting Her'
RomanceThis is a story of a Guy named Darcy Jacobs who is all about his friends until on day he meets Samantha Jones. Apparently they are meant for each other, but its it to be? or will their be someone else in his eyes?