Eye of A Hurricane Pt.2

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Thomas' head was lolled off to the side as he lay asleep in a chair. James was sitting next to him, his arms crossed. They had gotten to the hospital about three hours ago and James was upset that Alex's friends hadn't even deigned to show up or give another thought about him. James pressed the home button, exiting instagra- no. Let's be honest. Exiting Candy crush. He opened messages again and scrolled through his texts to Hercules.

'Herc hey, Alex is in danger and Thomas and I are headed to his house.'

'Hercules. Thomas and I brought Alex to the hospital.'

'Hercules! We are at the hospital; Alex is in intensive care.'

None of these had been read so James called Hercules, standing and leaving the waiting room. He pressed the call button and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" A chipper voice said.
James frowned when he heard his boyfriend's voice. "Hercules! Alex is in the hospital! Please come!" James was on the verge of tears.
"Non. Who is you? This is Laf, I just woke up mon amie." Laf said.

"I'm James. Where's Hercules?" James asked. He had never heard of Laf before.
Laf grinned and stared at the naked man beside him. "He's right next to me. Exhausted I imagine as I just f*cked him senseless."

"What?" James' voice broke. Hercules... cheated on him? But that was another matter. "Sorry. Can you hand him the phone?"

There was a commotion and Hercules was finally put on the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi. Hercules. It's James." James said.
Hercules' eyes rounded. "Shit. Hi."

"Hello." James responded, his voice harsh. "Alex is in the hospital. Mt.Auburns." James said quickly before hanging up.

Hercules and John rushed into the hospital. Followed by a slightly larger man with busy hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Where is he? What happened?" John shrieked, waking Thomas in an instant.
"Finally." Thomas murmured. He looked at the taller man. "Who are you?"
"I'm Laf." The man said, smiling.
"Wha-?" Thomas began, but Hercules cut him off.
"Thomas what happened?" He wanted to know what had happened but he was also worried about his relationship.
"Alex cut himself. He called me for some reason. It's pretty bad."James explained, glaring at Laf who was lingering next to Hercules.
"What?" John's voice cracked and Thomas pulled him into a hug.
"They said he'll be okay." Then he whispered to himself. "Probably."

The group awkwardly sat in the waiting room. Thomas and John were sitting on a couch in a heap like hug. James sat next to them, then Hercules and then Laf. James looked at Laf and it sent a shiver down his spine. "So..." James began.
"James don't." Hercules said sternly.
"Don't what?" James spat.
Hercules crossed his arms. "My best friend his in the hospital. You really wanna talk about how I cheated on you?" He said that so blatantly it brought tears to James' eyes.
"If we don't talk about it now we never will. Why'd you do it?" James asked angrily.
"I don't know. It just happened."Herc said.
"Yea, once in the car, once on the couch and three times in bed!"Laf laughed.
"Is this because I told you I wanted to wait?"James asked. He didn't feel comfortable having sex with Hercules, they had only been dating for 6 weeks.
Hercules shook his head. "No! I don't know... maybe." He shrugged.
"You cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex with you? You cheated on me while I was off rescuing your best friend from possible death! You ruined the best thing that has ever happened to you! The best boyfriend in the world is gone because you decided this freak was better!" James stood up angrily.
"James it's not like that!"Hercules said.
"Oh yeah? So what's it like? You stopped loving me! Because I know you loved me! You told me so! And I loved you too! But now your just a cheating asshole!" James yelled.
"Going out with you was a dare!"Hercules finally put in.
James looked at Hercules. "What?"
"A bet, a dare. From John. I started to kinda like you but if I didn't break it off after a month I lost my money. I lost it for you because I liked you but now... now I guess I stopped liking you."Hercules said quietly.
James swallowed, trying not to cry. But it was impossible. Tears spilled down his cheeks and he started to shake. A nurse came into the room just as James ran outside. Thomas would've followed James, but he had to stay. For Alex.
The nurse walked right up to Thomas. "Sir, the patient is awake and asking for you." She said. Thomas shot to his feet.
"There must be some mistake-" John said. "He's not asking for me?"
Thomas looked into John's eyes. "He carved your name into his arm."

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