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Eliza banged her fingers against her desk in time to the beat. She had her headphones in her ears and was supposed to be doing homework. But she was going out with Alex in a half an hour despite wether or not she had done her homework. It was a Friday night for god's sake! She grinned to herself as she thought of going over to Alex's house. They would probably curl up and watch How I Met Your Mother while she made 'How I Met Your Brother' puns to ease the tension on the fact that she had dated James, Alex's brother before she had dated Alex. He would also make not so subtle hints about how he'll be the telling our kids this story about how we met in High-school. Honestly, Eliza couldn't wait. She typed up some random blabbing into her essay about kangaroos (for science class). Her eyes scanned the page. She had to include at least 2 fun facts at the end.

1. Kangaroos cannot jump without their tails, so even if you hold it in the air, it doesn't work!

2. Kangaroos can't walk backwards, no moon walk for them!

3. Kangaroos can swim, which is odd because they don't look like a swimming animal.
4. If you try to put Cheetos or any kind of chip in a Kangaroos pouch you will most likely be kicked in the groin.

She added the 4th one with a smile on her face, her teacher liked when you put jokes in the paper as long as it wasn't all joke and no fact. When Eliza was done researching kangas she glanced at her watch. Five minutes until she had to be at Alex's!?!? She stood up and ran out of her bedroom door, knocking on Angelica's door frantically. Angelica opened it.

"What?" Angie asked grumpily.
Eliza jumped. "What's on your face?" She demanded, slightly afraid.

"It's a face-mask." Angelica hissed. "Now what?"

"Can you please drive me to Alex's? I promised to meet him at his house and I forgot to ask you earlier-" Eliza calmed herself. She'd make it to Alex's.

"Yea... whatevs Lize." Angelica shrugged and brushed past her, in a robe and slippers, the green muck smeared across her face.
Eliza followed her across the lawn and climbed into Angelica's car.

Eliza walked into Alex's living room and saw a flower pedal. She was a bit confused until she saw a trail of them leading into Alex's room. She followed them and pushed open Alex's bedroom door. On the floor, spelled out in rose pedals was a single word and a question mark. 'Prom?' She squealed and looked at Alex, who was sitting on his bed with a rose in between his lips. She flung herself at him and kissed him. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She exclaimed.

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