In The Heights

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"Good morning Usnavi." Kevin sang as he walked through the doors of Usnavi's shop.
"'Morning, café-?" However, Usnavi got interrupted by a baby's cry. He blushed. "Sorry, I forgot she was sleeping." Usnavi murmured.
"Right, go ahead and check on her." Kevin gestured for Usnavi to go upstairs.
Usnavi shook his head. "No, no. Vanessa's got her." He said as the wailing stopped. "What would you like?"
Kevin grinned, the many wrinkles on his face becoming even more detailed than usual. "A lottery ticket-"
"Of course!" Usnavi chuckled, it was normal for the people in this town to get a lottery ticket at least once a week.
Kevin nodded. "Not all of us are as lucky as you Usnavi."
Usnavi ignored the snarky bit aimed at the money he had gotten when he won the lottery. He rolled his eyes at the joke, used to it. "Alright, would you like an All-American lotto ticket, a Powerball ticket or a daily?" Usnavi asked, he knew what Kevin would pick, for it was the same as always, but it was crucial for him to ask. Good customer service was important to him.
"Usnavi, don't pretend you don't know. Daily as always." Kevin rolled his eyes as well. "I mean after years and years I would think you'd remember!"
Usnavi shrugged. "What can I say? I've got a pea brain and a tiny tiny memory. Can't remember everything."
"And three coffees. Two blacks and one cream and sugar with Hazelnut swirl." Kevin ordered.
Usnavi spun around. "Nina and Benny are in town?" He asked, smiling too wide for his own good. He had memorized Benny's coffee order, Cream & sugar with Hazelnut swirl, so that meant that the happy couple was in town. "Cause those are the things I do remember, oh joy Kevin!"
"They sure are!" Kevin said, a fake grin on his face as he pretended to love his daughter's boyfriend. Usnavi handed Kevin his lotto ticket and coffees.
"Usnavi!" Vanessa shouted from upstairs, where the married couple and their two children all lived together. Usnavi had bought the salon and turned it into their own store, but it made it so even work was a place he couldn't get away from his own home.
Usnavi sighed and turned to go up the stairs. "On the house Kev, I have to go deal with Nessa and the kids."

"Nina!" Kevin shouted as loud as his old voice would allow him. Kevin wrapped his arms around his daughter in a bear hug. "So good to see you my dear."
"Tu tambien padre!" Nina giggled as Kevin ruffled her hair and pulled away.
Kevin put his arms on her elbows and looked her up and down. "You look well!" He exclaimed.
"Tu tambien padre." Nina sighed, but a smile danced on her lips, brightening her entire face and making her look even more beautiful.
Kevin turned to the other guest in his house. "Benny." He said coldly.
"Kevin, nice to see you. As always." Benny said kindly, running his hand through his hair nervously.
Kevin nodded and turned his attention back to Nina. "How's Long Island?" He asked, obviously interested.
"It's great and- Benny? Would you like to tell him?" Nina said, squeezing Benny's hand. Benny nodded. "Then go on."
Benny smiled at Kevin. "We have two big pieces of news."
"Two?" Nina raised an eyebrow, not knowing what the second piece of news was, and of course curious.
Benny ran his hand through his hair again, it was an anxious habit. "I wasn't going to do this here and now but..." Benny bent down in front of Nina, who gasped. "Nina Rosario, will you be my bride?"
Nina's jaw was wide open. "Yes!" She practically shrieked.
Kevin's jaw dropped as well, in horror, not happiness. "Wot?" He said quietly.
Benny stood up and pulled a ring out of his coat pocket. He slipped it on her finger eagerly and looked at Kevin. "That's one piece of news."
"The other piece seems so trivial now!" Nina said, extremely giddy.
Benny shrugged. "But still important Nines."
"I suppose." Nina said.
Benny looked back at Kevin, who's mouth was still wide open. Kevin was not extremely giddy, the opposite of his daughter and her... fiancé. "i got a promotion at work, and we're going to be moving to Florida as soon as Nina gets a transfer at her job."
"A promotion?" Kevin asked, wanting to seem interested and not disgusted.
"Don't you work for yourself?"
"I sure do! I run my own radio station, but now I'm getting another one, out in Miami and we get our own apartment suite and I get two stations with the overall profits from both!" Benny explained. "It will help with any financial problems we have."
"That is....quite....erm....well..." But Kevin stopped talking with one look from Nina. A glare almost.
"Incredible, right daddy?" She swallowed as she stared down her father.
Kevin nodded. "Absolutely spectacular!"
"Thanks!" Benny said happily, he was caught up in the moment and he wrapped his arms Kevin in a hug.
Kevin stood, stiff as a plank of wood, in Benny's grasp. He didn't move to escape it, but he stayed still. "Erm."
"Sorry!" Benny blushed as he pulled out of the hug. He looked at his fiancé, she was grinning.

"Didi, Didi, it's okay bebe." Usnavi cooed to his little girl. She was not drinking the formula that she needed to for lunch.
"Want me to try feeding her?" Vanessa asked.
Usnavi shook his head, stubborn as ever. "I got it! Don't worry 'bout me."
"Okay. I can always-" But she was interrupted by a loud crash and crying. "Oh no! Oh joder! Joder!"
"Go!" Usnavi waved her out of the room.
Vanessa stood up from the queen-sized bed and rushed to the kids' bedroom, only a few feet down the hallway. "Alejandro!" She cried out as her eyes settled on her young boy. "Al..."She knelt next to the four year old child and picked him up in her arms.
"Mam- Mam- I didn't mean to!" Al yelled, gesturing to the fish tank that had crashed on the floor.Tears spilled out of his eyes.
"It's okay Alejandro."
"Papi is going to be upset." Alejandro said as tears soaked his skin.
Vanessa propped her boy up so he was sitting in her lap. "He'll be more upset that you're hurt. What hurts most jot?"
"My leg." Alejandro whimpered.
Vanessa nodded. "Okay, let me check it." She leaned down near his feet and rolled up his sporty pants, there was a piece of glass wedged in his shin. "Oh bebe." She sighed at the sight, it was horrifying. Blood and muscle exposed, and the glass piece was so big it went down to the bone, Al let out a whimper when Vanessa placed her hand near the cut. "Oh bebe." She repeated.
"Is it bad?" Al asked quietly.
"No... nothing we can't get fixed bebe." She assured him.
"I feel bad." Al murmured, slipping out of consciousness. "Ow..."
Vanessa kissed his forehead. "Usnavi!" She yelled for her husband to come. "Come quick! He's injured!"
As soon as Usnavi heard his son was injured nothing else mattered but getting him safe. He shot out of the rocking chair and across the room, placing Didi in her crib and leaping down the hallway. He shoved open the bedroom door and saw the fish-tank first. Shattered on the ground, the fish long gone. His eyes didn't register Vanessa, all he saw was his son. His pride and joy, bleeding and passed out on the floor. "Al!" Usnavi shouted, his face crumpled and he fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around his baby boy. He lifted him up bridal style and stood. "Al... I'll get you better mi hijo. I promise.""I- I killed the fishies." Alejandro whispered faintly, staring into his dad's eyes. His leg throbbed, but he was worried about the fishies.

"No, your mom's got them- don't worry." Usnavi murmured as Vanessa hurriedly picked up one of the fish and placed him in a cup of water.

"That is a great story!" Nina laughed, her cocktail in her hand and her ring on her finger. She was tipsy, but it wasn't too bad.
Benny nodded in a agreement. "Hilarious Kevin."
"That's Mr. Rosario to you." Kevin said coldly, he got even ruder the drunker he got, which meant he was being very mean right now.
Benny shrugged and Nina squeezed his hand to remind him to be civil. "Dad- don't be like this... come on-" But she was interrupted by three rapid knocks on the door. "I'll get it." She rose off the couch as another set of three rapid knocks were placed on the door, followed by the ring of the doorbell. She placed her drink on the two rings of the doorbell. "Coming!" She yelled to whomever was at the door. She reached the front hallway and opened the door.
"Nina! Thank god!"
"Sonny?" Nina stared at the familiarish face in front of her. It had changed so much throughout the years. There was a scar on his right jaw front a beer brawl three years ago, and he had a scruffy goatee now.
"Nina there's no time to explain. I need you to drive me-" Sonny stopped since Nina was staring at him. He waved his hand in front of her face. "He-llooo? You there?"
"Yes. Sorry, you're just so..." Nina couldn't find the right word to describe how he was now, she was struggling to even name it.
Sonny grinned. "Handsome? Rugged? Unkempt but glorious?"
"Different." Nina finished.
"That too I suppose." Sonny couldn't wipe the smile off his face. But when he thought about the current predicament he could. "Al's in the hospital. I need you to drive me to see him, Usnavi is distraught and-"
"Alejandro is hurt?" Nina asked frantically.
Sonny nodded. "Shard of glass."
"What?" Nina grabbed her shoes from inside and called to Benny and her father. "Alejandro está en el hospital!" She turned back to Sonny as she grabbed Benny's car keys from Benny's coat pocket.
 "What happened?"
"Not exactly sure, 'Nessa was fuzzy on the details." He replied, hurrying to Nina and Benny's rather beat up van.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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