Pegria Part 2

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Peggy leaned into the kiss, and traced her fingers up Maria's back. She giggled slightly, and kissed a tad more passionately.
Maria kissed back, happy with her girlfriend of almost 2 whole months. She wrapped her arms around Peggy's neck as they kissed.
"Hey Pegs, so I was think- Oh my!" Angelica opened the door and was shocked by the sight before her. "Sh*t!" She closed the door and stood outside of it for a moment, petrified.
Peggy instantly climbed off Maria, and stared at the door. "Oh my god." She whispered.
"It's not a big deal." Maria shrugged, she had not a care in the world. "You are over 18."
"You don't get it." Peggy closed her eyes tight. "I'm not out of the closet yet to my sisters."
Maria looked over at Peggy, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Well Peggy, if they aren't comfortable with who you are then they are not people you want to hang out with."
"It's not that, I just don't know how to- how to-" Peggy sighed, unable to explain it.
"Well then, I'll go." Maria stop up and picked her shirt up off the ground. She slipped it in over her red lace bra and smiled softly at Peggy. "And no matter what Pegs, I'll always love you." She sighed.
Peggy was a tad surprised, Maria had just said she loved her for the first time. "Thank you." She murmured rather lamely.
Maria nodded simply, but kept a smile on her face as she grabbed her bag from the floor and hurried past a shocked Angelica.

Angelica sat down next to Peggy. "I just don't understand why you hid it from us."
Peggy glanced at Eliza. "Us?" She squeaked.
"Me and Eliza."
Peggy shook her head. "No! Please don't tell her Angelica! Please! Angie I'm begging you!"
"Why?" Angelica was extremely curious about the need Peggy had to not tell their other sister.
Peggy could not tell Eliza, because so many other things would come spilling out. "It's just, let me do it in my own time. Please?" Peggy's voice broke and a tear slid out of her eye.
Angelica nodded ."of course Pegs. Of course." She pat her sister's knee. "And what ever happened to John Laurens? I thought the two of you were dating for almost two years now."
"Well..." Peggy blushed. This was what she didn't want to get found out. "We're kind of each other's beards."
"Beards?" Angelica was not often unfamiliar with a word or phrase, and when she was it made her extremely uncomfortable. More uncomfortable than the talk that was going on in this room right now.
"He's gay, and he pretends to date me. I'm gay," It felt very strange to say that to her sister. First time, ever. "And I pretend to date him."
"Okay, even though you're dating Maria?" Angelica questioned.
"I have discussed it with John and we have decided that we should have an amicable break up in about a month, because I cheated on him with none other than, Maria." Peggy explained to her older sister.
"Seems very complicated just so John doesn't come out of the closet." Angie sighed.
"Well you've never had any problems like this." Peggy snipped.
"What does that mean?"
"You're a rich, privileged girl, who's the queen of the school. You're biggest problem is that your nail polish might not match your bracelet." Peggy said in e reindeer voice possible.
"In case you've forgotten, you and I are both half black. So actually-"
"When have you ever been discriminated against because you are black?" Peggy asked, Angelica was speechless. "It's not actually a problem of yours because you are so rich that anybody that might even treat you differently would be fired and homeless in about two days with you're command." Peggy said, her voice was strained and angry now.
Angelica stared at the wall in front of her for a moment. "I guess you're right." She accepted that Peggy was right in a very mature way, which somewhat shocked Peggy. "Oh and Pegs?"
Peggy smiled at her sister, thinking she would say 'I don't care that you're gay' or something....
"Never wear a bracelet and nail polish, it'll be too much."
Peggy couldn't help but laugh at the typical Angelica advice. "Thanks sis, I'll keep that in mind." She said as she stood to go to her room.
"You might be gay but you gotta make good fashion choices!" Angelica yelled after her.
The two smiled as Peggy shut her door, pleased with how that conversation went.
But one wondered how they would keep the fact that Peggy was gay from her half-sister, and the other worried about how she would tell her sister she was gay, and John was actually dating Eliza's boyfriend behind their backs.

I'm thinking about turning this into a whole book. If I did, how many of you would read it?

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