3. Lies Lies Lies

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Leaning on the bar table Zara sighed and looked up at her glass of wine and saw her reflection, slowly her mascara was running down her cheek and her blusher was getting smudged. Zara cried and cried she felt awful inside, now the student looked like a mess. Quickly slipping out of the bar hoping no one would notice she checked her pocket in her dress and something very personal had gone missing. HER PHONE. In her head she was thinking "oh no if someone gets on there they'll see everything and then everyone will mock me and I might get classed as one of them. No one will want to be with me because I'm unconventional just like all the others they call in that community". Panicking Zara shoved her way through the masses of dancing people and drunk walkers clambering her way to the bar. It turns out it was a wasted journey someone had already took it. Zara walked over to Ray " oh my gosh what happened to you!" Ray gasped " Why are you crying and in a mess?". "Because... I feel so bad on Palio and I feel bad on myself for doing that to him." Zara observed Ray put something into her bag could it be... Ray stole her phone?

"You haven't by any chance seen a phone have you. I just left mine on the bar table and it's gone..." Zara said looking at Ray. "Errr. Well. No" Ray gulped and looked scared. "HOW COULD SHE...LIE TO ME LIKE THAT" Zara thought in her head. " I CANT BELIEVE RAY STOLE MY PHONE AND NOW SHE IS BEING DISHONEST AND LYING TO MY FACE" Zara was shocked! She couldn't believe that her best friend and college buddy would steal her phone then lie about it. Zara walked out whipping her hair as if she was signalling something to Ray. Unfortunately that night everything went wrong for Zara and it led to her being more and more upset but now she had no phone or diary to write in because her best friend had stolen it and lied straight to her face. This made Zara panicky she couldn't concentrate or focus on anything the poor college girl was worried about what apps and memos that her friend might go on. "If she clicks on my notes and reads all my diaries then I'm done for..." Zara thought scared for her life no way could she do prison her mind or body wasn't built for that.

A faint sound of someone unlocking the door could be heard and Zara realised it was Ray coming home from the club. "Hi Zara! I'm just going to bed now see you tomorrow!" Said Ray acting fine. "How could she act so fine when she had done something so mean. How could she be okay with that and not have a worry or fear in the world!" Zara whispered to herself angrily. She was trying to forgive Ray but it just wasn't happening why would her best friend steal her actual phone and then not have a care in the world about it and worst of it all...lying straight to Zara's face! It was 2am now and most of the dorm were asleep accept Zara and Ray, there was a bright light coming from Rays bedroom Zara worked out it must've been her phone! She tiptoed across the corridor trying her hardest not to make a sound then... Ray opened her door and ran to the kitchen not noticing Zara at all. The girl ran in Ray's room and saw on her cabinet unit there was her phone! Zara was mad at Ray. No furious at Ray! Suddenly Ray came out of the kitchen and into the corridor...

There was a silence for a moment then Ray switched the light on so she wouldn't stumble over anything on her way back to her room. And there in the middle of the corridor was Zara stood there in fear. "Ray, why do you have my phone!" Said Zara trying to build up her confidence every time she spoke. 
"What are you on about! It's 2am Zara are you sure your feeling well why don't I sit you down you must be seeing things!" Said Ray innocently. "I know you have it Ray! Why do you have if?" Zara complained. "Fine I have it but I'm showing it to the professor tomorrow" teased Ray. " You will be in so much trouble! LGBT Zara what's wrong with your mind!". "At least I respect them!" Zara cried. "Go get yourself to the doctor your obviously not in the right state of mind! What do you think your doing!" Ray laughed.

And with that Ray grabbed Zara and took her onto the balcony "Now you let me keep your phone and show the Professor tomorrow or I will phone the police!" Ray giggled. "I'm not having this anymore Ray I have had enough of being bullied and bossed around Im not a stereotype and I'm not LGBT... I just think it's unfair treatment what they get that's all!" Zara gulped and looked away was she an LGBT? Could she class herself as one? Anyway for now it's probably best she keeps it secret otherwise Zara could end up in a LOT of trouble... Ray loosened her grip onto Zara's arm and stepped away " Oh right... I mean sorry" Ray felt guilty ran to her flat and quickly ran back with something in her hand. "This is for you" Ray couldn't look at Zara without feeling guilty. She handed the phone back to Zara and they both went into their own flats.

Let's just hope Ray forgets to tell the Professor in the morning otherwise Zara could be in a huge amount of trouble. She might even get kicked out of the college...oh no!

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