4. A Bad Morning

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It was now morning not a good morning a bad morning as Zara don't know whether Ray was telling the Professor about what she saw in Zara's diary logs or... Ray might have felt guilty and realised not to. Zara hoped and begged that it would be the second option but that's tricky to say at this point in time as Ray was feeling annoyed that she couldn't expose Zara so maybe this could be her chance! As fast as she could Zara got ready and ran out the door sprinting to the Office Block where the Professor will be in his office. Zara slowed down her pace as she walked past the receptionist at the front of the office but once she was passed her it was all go! The girl ran like lightning making sure she got there before Ray but as she approached the Professors door and was about to knock there was already a meeting going on. In the room sat on the right hand side was...Ray! "Why is she doing this to meeeee I can't believe her! Why?" Zara cried loudly but the people inside to office couldn't hear because of the soundproof walls they had put in so the meetings could be more confidential and people don't get distracted.

"So Ray when did you start having concerns about this girl called Zara?" The Professor enquired. "Well ever since I found out she supported the LGBT community she told me it was just because they don't get payed much attention and she feels sorry for them but still she's one messed up student Professor!" Ray said trying to act like she was a friend of his. "Oh really" said the Professor taking down notes carefully and precisely straightening his paper every 10 seconds, constantly fidgeting. "Well I will hopefully not have to see you again Ray but thankyou for talking to me about this important matter" the Professor said whilst immaculately doing his tie up so he looked on top form. Zara entered the office whilst getting a quick push from Ray on the way out. "See Sir, I mean Professor" she said clearing her throat. " I just feel like the LGBT community don't get much attention and are treated like something you might find on the bottom of your shoe, they're being walked on all over and no one ever listens to them and when they try and do right they end up getting locked up" Zara informed the Professor in a very unprofessional manner. "Well Yes but we will not tolerate a confused student in this College and if you believe in LGBT we will have to take some dramatic procedures as we don't want a rotten student lingering on round here effecting other people's minds, do we now Zara?" The Professor chuckled as if him and Ray were working together to kick her out.

Zara stood up and raised her tone "Professor see you just did exactly what I was telling you about, your telling me I'm a rotten student for standing up for what I believe in that just backs up my point completely now goodbye as I have to revise now" said Zara confidently. On the way out the Professor shouted "Stop there! That's no way to treat a Professor young lady...I am the head of this place and if your going to treat me like that maybe I should kick you out!" The Professor angrily suggested. Ray laughed whilst filming the whole thing on her phone "HAHA ZARA GOT KICKED OUT OOH NAUGHTY ZARA! HAHA!". Zara walked off and ignored her just brushing what Ray had just said right off her shoulder. Whilst returning back to her flat to revise she received a text from Laden.

Laden: Hey Zara I saw online that Ray posted a video are you really leaving this college?

Zara: idk I'm just upset that's all

Laden: Zara I had a word with Palio he wants to meet you tonight in the towns park around 5pm also Im always here for you Zara I don't want you to leave

Zara: Thanks ;)

And with that Zara switched off her phone for the night she was too stressed out to deal with anything except revision and time with her actual friends not fake friends who expose you to Professors and steal your phone! Zara kept checking the clock eager to meet Palio as she hadn't seen him in a while! DING DING DING!

5pm yaaaaay! Time to meet Palio at the park I hope he is okay now and he has recovered I still feel terrible. Let's just try and work this out when I meet him maybe we can be friends again.... Palio would never hold anything against me he is too kind even if he doesn't act it because he is always trying to impress girls.

Walking fast she felt the wind flowing through her hair and as she turned the corner her eyes were closed because leaves were blowing her way. Palio saw the girl and admired her beauty as she came running up to him on the bench

"So what's this with you and Ray then?" Palio said worried for the girl " I hope your okay because if your not then you need to act fast before it gets out of hand!!!!". Zara's glove was empowered by the wind and it almost flew off but Palio held her hand and swiftly slides it back on her freezing hands.

For a moment there is silence as they hold hands staring at each other's eyes!

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