Closer (Shiro)

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The night wasn't going exactly the way you thought it would, considering you were at a party. Not exactly your idea of a great time, but the music was good and the ocean breeze felt nice compared to the early June heat. Your friends looked to be having the time of their lives, though, so you stayed. You might not have met the love of your life otherwise.

You were a ways away from the bonfire and surrounding drunks, far enough that you wouldn't be hit by sand when someone stumbled by you, but close enough to hear the punk music blasting from someone's Bluetooth speakers. You were sitting on the ground in a pair of shorts and a tank-top, holding your red solo cup half-filled with a cheap-tasting local brew.

Then, when you thought that you'd had enough of being a wallflower, a man came from the group and sat to the right of you. He was beautiful in the fire's light.

"So," he said. "Do you like Spider-Man?" You gave him a weird look. That was one way to start a conversation.

"Um, I guess he's cool. Why do you ask?" He smirked.

"I have two friends who argue over him all the time. One of them thinks that he's the best, but the other thinks that Deadpool is where it's at." You nodded in understanding.

"Actually, I think that Spidey-pool is where it's at." The man scoffed.

"Someone else I know thinks the same. Coincidentally, she thinks the first two should also get together."

"They obviously sound like they should get together as it is. They must be made for one another." You shifted your cup from your right hand to your left and extended your free hand. "I'm [y/n]." Even if his opening sentence was odd, this guy seemed cool.

"Call me Shiro. Everyone does." He shifted and reached his right hand over to shake yours. Instantly, your eyes were drawn to his shoulder. It was covered with a gorgeous black line tattoo. Bringing your eyes down to see it all, you saw five robotic lions, all slightly different. The one by his elbow was almost entirely black, and it leaked down into what looked to be a robot suit from an anime that you watched when you were younger. As he moved his arm, you saw that the inside of his forearm had something in a script. It read 'patience yields focus.'

"Shiro, huh? Nice ink." He smiled, and your breath was taken.

"Thanks. It means a lot to me. When I was younger, I was a huge fan of lions, and each one of these represents one of my closest friends." That was really sweet. "And this one is because I'm a huge nerd." He gestured to the mecha.

You snorted at that. "Really now?"

"Yeah. I mean, it helps that I have a robot theme going, because how cool are robot lions?" You simply giggled.

"Pretty cool." You had to give him that. He nodded, but her also shook his fist.

"Damned right. Now, [y/n], what are you doing all the way out here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't like large crowds of people." You shrugged and took a sip from your cup.

"Then what was the point of coming here?" He likely already knew the answer to that one.

"My friends dragged me. But hey, I got a cool shot from over here." You handed him a picture that had printed out of your camera about half an hour ago. It was a shot of the bonfire with dancing silhouettes of black in the foreground.

"Nice. It looks pretty cool." As soon as he finished talking, 'I Miss You' by Blink-182 came on. The crowd in front of you had mixed reactions - half groaned and half cheered, but all sang along. You sat back, laughing. The song was iconic, you couldn't deny.

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