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Justin's POV

I guess staying up late to watch Netflix may not have been a good idea. I walked down stairs to make myself some breakfast. "Justin, after you eat, you need to get ready, the neighbors are coming over for lunch." My dad said as I was pouring some orange juice. I simply replied, "Okay."

I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs, passing Danny on the way, having a small collision. I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on so it could heat up while I was grabbing some clothes.

I got out of the shower and got dressed and headed down to the basement to hang with Damon until the neighbors got here. I was curious about the boy who I saw in the window. He looked like my next mistake.

Damon and I were in the middle of making a musically when we heard our dad say, "BOYS, THE NEIGHBORS ARE HERE!" We looked at each other, and ran upstairs.

The second I laid eyes on that boy, I knew I was in deep trouble. He smiled at me, and boy what a wonderful smile that boy had. That smile was dangerous. But I was forced to smile back.

We sat down for lunch, and the parents were talking. My brothers and I, along with the boy, weren't saying a word. Finally, Damon said something. "This is super awkward and since no one else is going to say anything, my names Damon." I looked shocked. He pointed towards me, then Danny, saying, "and these are my brothers Justin and Danny. Twins." I put my head down, face turning pink, blushing, as you would call it. "My name is Raegan. 'A' before the 'E'. Remember."

I let out a small chuckle, him looking straight at me. "Dad, can we go down to the basement?" I asked. He nodded and we all got up heading downstairs.

I plopped down on the couch and we started playing MarioKart. "HAHHA, I WIN!!" I screamed. I started twerking, and then Damon screamed, "BOOTY BLAKE IT JUSTIN!" Raegan looked so confused and asked, "Who's Booty Blake?"

I smirked at him. "Booty Blake? Oh that's my stripper name." I said that, and there's that wonderful smile of his again. "Stripper?" He smiled and pulled out a couple dollar bills walking past me and sliding them into my hoodie. "I'd pay for that." He said. I looked at him, "IM NOT AN ACTUAL STRIPPER, FRACK."

He started smiling, knowing that I'd probably get annoyed when he said that. He likes to play games, well two can play at this.

(435 words. i had fun writing this. please enjoy this EDITED chapter.)

The Way You Look At Me - JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now