Hello, Los Angeles

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Raegan's POV

Like normal, Justin spent every second of the next 2 days packing up everything. Makes sense, the people were coming to take our boxes to LA 5 hours before our flight.

But finally, the movers had come, and taken the tightly packed boxes to my managers house in LA, as we don't have an apartment yet. Or anywhere to live permanently yet.

"Babe! Let's go! We're gonna miss the flight!" My words echoing through the now empty house.

"Your dad and brothers are going to meet us there." I said.

As I said that, Justin walked out the door shoving his laptop into his carry on backpack. "Alright. Let's do this." He said, walking by me and pecking my lips.


Justin's POV

We got to the airport, and this was the part I was the saddest about. I'm leaving behind my childhood, well I left that in Minnesota, but my childhood came with me to Maryland. I'm leaving behind my brothers, my best friends. My side-kicks.

"My brothers." I said walking over to my brothers, with a gloom to my voice. "I'm going to miss you guys so much."

"Were going to miss you too, Justin, but we know that you're meant to be in Los Angeles with Raegan." Damon said.

I wrapped my arms around both of their necks, and we stood there for a while before hearing, "Flight 304 to Los Angeles, California, first class seats are now boarding."

"That's us." Raegan said. I unwrapped my arms from my brothers, to take the hand of my life. We started walking towards the gate, when I turned around and took my last dose of Maryland for a while.

*30 Minutes After the Flight Was To Take Off*

"This is the captain speaking, sorry to inform you that the plane will not be taking off for another hour due to air traffic in LA." The voice rang over the speakers.

"Ugh." I said, and got a notification from Musical.ly, a lip-singing app I had started to grow a following with.

' jastinmylesblake just liked your musically'

I became interested, because our names were extremely close.

I came to realize that his name wasn't actually Jastin, it was Justin, like mine.

I DM'd him, "Hey, my names Justin as well. I love your musicallys, we should hang out whenever we're in the same town."

With approval of my message, I clicked send and switched to the music app, to listen to James Arthur and Somo.

Little to know, that I had fallen asleep and when I awoke, we were in Los Angeles, California.

(436 words. LEAVE ME A COMMENT :) I love em )

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