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Justin's POV

It was a week before we left to go on vacation. But I haven't told Raegan yet, because I don't want to leave him. Everything is so perfect right now, he's my everything. I decide that it's time to tell Raegan.

Justin: I miss you
Raegan: The window is open

I walk over to my desk and write on a piece of paper that I'm at the neighbors house, in case someone comes looking for me. I walk over to open my window and I climb out, jumping over to Raegan's roof. I crawl through his window, and he's looking through his closet, and he doesn't hear me. I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling him jump a little.

"Hey cutie." I hear him say. He turns around, to pick me up and we lay on his bed. My head is resting on his chest when I say, "I'm going on vacation." I look up at him. "Babe, it's okay. It's only a couple of days right?" I look down. "3 weeks. I don't want to be away from you that long." I start to tear up. "Hey it's okay. I'll be fine, I don't want to be away from you either, it's gonna be okay." I acknowledge the way my stomach is dropping, the way I'm becoming sadder and sadder, just thinking about being away from him for 3 weeks. "Come with me?" I ask him. "What?" He said. I looked up to him. "Come with me. I'm sure it won't be an issue with my dad."

Suddenly, Raegan got up and left his room. I was sitting there so confused. About 3 minutes later, Raegan came bursting into the room with a gigantic smile on his face. "As long as it's good with your dad, we're going on vacation together." And now I have a gigantic smile on my face. "Come on." I say grabbing his hand, leading him out the window back to my house.

"Dad! Can you come here for a second?" My dad came into the room and asked what's up. "Can Raegan come on vacation with us?" I asked, crossing my fingers mentally. "Is it okay with his parents?" We nodded. "Okay. He can come, we bought an extra plane ticket on accident anyway." I looked at Raegan and jumped into his arms. I heard him whisper into my ear, "Justin Drew Blake, you are my everything." I smiled. This boy was my everything. "Raegan Alexander, you're my everything. My heart and soul." I pulled my face out of his chest and kissed him. "We leave in a week." I reminded him.

{Time Skip: 6 days later}

Justin's POV

"Raegan! I told you waiting to pack till the night before we leave was a bad idea!" I said, rolling my eyes, slightly annoyed he didn't listen to me in the first place.

Raegan's POV

I knew Justin was mad at me for waiting to pack the night before we left. I saw him roll his eyes, so I got up from next to my suitcase and walked over to him. "Well babe, if I pack alone it's just gonna go by slower." Then I leaned into whisper in his ear, "Don't be mad at me. You love me." I pulled away and took my seat next to my suitcase. "For some unknown reason." I was not expecting him to admit he loves me. "Well then I love you too." He sat down next to me, and he helped me finish packing my two suitcases, I told Justin I only needed one, but apparently you can't fit three weeks of clothes into one suitcase.

We finished packing and brought all my stuff over to his house, since we'd be leaving super early. I fell asleep holding the love of my life, my pride and joy, my heart and soul, snuggled up into my arms.

(652 words)

The Way You Look At Me - JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now