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Justin's POV

After the London Tower we had continued our day as normal. When we got to one of the stops, I got a souvenir. And after a long day of traveling around London, we were on our way back to the hotel. If marrying a bed was normal, I definitely would right now. I was dying to take a hot shower. Something about water dripping down my back. I guess I was so tired I fell asleep on the way back.

Raegan's POV

The driver pulled up in front of the hotel, and Justin was asleep on top of me. Like he literally climbed on top of me and buried his head in my shoulders. I somehow got us both out of the car and carried us up to the room. By then he had gotten mad at me for waking him up but I knew he wanted to shower. "Go take a shower." I said to him setting him down. He reluctantly got up.

While Justin was showering, I was scrolling through Instagram until I heard a crash.

Justin's POV

I slipped on one of the soap bars. It made a loud crashing sound. And before I knew it Raegan was in the bathroom screaming at me for scaring him. The back of my head hurt, so I rubbed my fingers against it, leaving blood on my fingers. And then he flipped.

He grabbed a towel, shut off the water, and wrapped the towel around me and set me on the counter. "Raegan, I'm fine, seriously." He wouldn't listen to me and kept cleaning the back of my head.

"Please don't scare me like that. You're all that I have, Justin." I could see the fear, the sadness, the empathy in his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. "I'm sorry." I said as he picked me up from the counter and laid me down on the bed. I plugged in my phone and laid my head on Raegan's chest. I was out like a light.

Raegan's POV ~ The Next Day

Justin and I were downstairs getting breakfast. And I could tell he didn't feel good. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked him. He simply nodded, not making eye contact, or just making intense eye contact with his pop-tart.

We got in the elevator, and as the elevator started going up, I could tell he was getting dizzy. I walked over to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He did the same for me. When the elevator reached our floor, he wrapped his legs around me. I carried him to the room, and I laid him down on the bed, taking off his shoes.

I walked to his dad's room, telling him how Justin wasn't feeling well. "We'll take today off." When I walked back into the room he was passed out. I maneuvered his body under the covers, making sure not to wake him. He was asleep for 3 hours. When he woke up we decided to go get some dinner.

We were walking down the street, when I turned back, Justin was on the ground.

Justin's POV

We were walking to get dinner, when's sudden wave of dizziness came over me. Everything went black. No, no, no, Raegan!

(543 words. Im so sorry for coming chapters)

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