Justin Myles

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Justin's POV

I checked my phone and saw I had a reply from Justin.

"Yes, definitely! I live in LA."

I quickly typed, "I just got off my flight to LA, I just moved here with my fiancé."

With satisfaction, I sent the message.

Raegan grabbed our suitcase off the baggage claim conveyor belt. His manager, Matt, was here to pick us up.

"Hey guys, I'm Matt Dugan! Most people call me Daddy Dugan." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I have a house in the LA area, are you ready to go?" He asked. We shook our heads and left LAX.

While walking out, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Would you guys like to meet up for lunch to welcome you to LA?" I read the message and replied.

"Yeah sure. When and where?" I sent the text and within minutes got a reply.

"In N' Out at 8 PM?" I quickly typed a "See ya there" and got into the Uber and started blasting music through my headphones.

*Time Skip*

I woke up to Raegan shaking me telling me we had arrived at Matt's house. I got out and grabbed my suitcase from the back of the Uber and walked into the house.

"Let me show you to your guys' room upstairs, and then I'll introduce you to everyone." We followed him upstairs to a room with a walk in closet and a queen sized bed parallel to the large window.

I clicked on my phone, checking the time. It read 7:30 PM, I quickly walked over to Raegan. "Hey do you wanna come with me to meet up with someone I met on musical.ly? We're going to In N' Out." I said winking at him.

He looks at me, "Are you cheating on me, Justin Blake?" He asked laughing at me. "Is that going to get you to write a song about me?" I asked.

"If you're lucky, I'll write you an album." I smiled and called an Uber.

Within minutes, the Uber was outside of the house and we hopped in. "Take us to In N' Out, please and thank you."

The driver nodded his head and began driving. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at In N' Out, checking the time, only for it to read 7:55 PM. We were a few minutes early so I messaged Justin, "Hey, we're here. How far out are you?" I sent the message and wrapped my arms around Raegan's waist.

Minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I screamed without turning my head, "Go away, perv! I have a fiancé!" I screamed.

"Aww, #goals!" I heard an unfamiliar voice, so I turned my head. "JUSTIN!" I said running to hug him.

We walked inside the restaurant, and ordered food, after our meeting. We spent about an hour there talking, before the place closed. I called an Uber to take us home, when it got here we hugged and parted ways.

I fell asleep on Raegan's shoulder on the way home. I guess he brought me inside.

(wc; 509)

(yo guys, this is actually my first author's note in like 14/15 chapters. well jeez. we are at over 10K reads and I am beyond belief. I'm glad you guys are enjoying my story. as always leave me a comment, I think I'm going to start replying back to them. also btw please don't comment "update". It gets really annoying, but updates should be a lot more frequent, as I just went on summer break. but leave me a comment, and I'll reply :)

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